c# - 用于对多个超大型数据数组进行分组操作的 SIMD 矢量化策略

标签 c# performance x86 simd intrinsics

我必须执行大量聚合操作,并按某个维度(int/byte ID)对输出进行分组。我正在使用 C#,但希望我仍然可以从阅读本文的大多数 C++ 人群那里得到好的建议:)


        public static (double[], double[]) AggregateDataGroupBy(double[] data, double[] weight, byte[] dimension)
            int numberOfValues = byte.MaxValue - byte.MinValue + 1;
            double[] totalValue = new double[numberOfValues];
            double[] totalWeight = new double[numberOfValues];

            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                byte index = dimension[i];
                totalValue[index] += data[i];
                totalWeight[index] += weight[i];

            return (totalValue, totalWeight);

当不需要对维度进行分组时,SIMD 矢量化可以显着提高速度。我对操作进行矢量化的第一次尝试是获取正在处理的 4 行维度的运行总计,使用聚集加载输入向量,执行聚合函数,然后分散回来。由于分散不是 AVX2 的一部分,因此最后一部分特别慢。

        public static unsafe (double[], double[]) AggregateDataGather(double[] data, double[] weight, int[] dimension)
            int numberOfValues = 256;
            double[] totalValue = new double[numberOfValues];
            double[] totalWeight = new double[numberOfValues];

            if (Avx2.IsSupported)
                int vectorSize = 256 / 8 / sizeof(double);
                int i;
                fixed (double* ptr = data, ptr2 = weight, ptrValue = totalValue, ptrWeight = totalWeight)
                    fixed (int* dimptr = dimension)
                        var accValue = stackalloc double[vectorSize];
                        var accWeight = stackalloc double[vectorSize];
                        for (i = 0; i <= data.Length - vectorSize; i += vectorSize)
                            Vector128<int> indices = Avx2.LoadVector128(dimptr + i);
                            var accVectorV = Avx2.GatherVector256(ptrValue, indices, 8);
                            var accVectorW = Avx2.GatherVector256(ptrWeight, indices, 8);
                            var v = Avx2.LoadVector256(ptr + i);
                            var w = Avx2.LoadVector256(ptr2 + i);
                            accVectorV = Avx2.Add(accVectorV, v);
                            accVectorW = Avx2.Add(accVectorW, w);

                            Avx2.Store(accValue, accVectorV);
                            Avx2.Store(accWeight, accVectorW);
                            for (int ii = 0; ii < vectorSize; ii++)
                                var index = dimptr[i + ii];
                                totalValue[index] = accValue[ii];
                                totalWeight[index] = accWeight[ii];

            else if (Avx.IsSupported || Sse42.IsSupported)
                // Do other stuff

            return (totalValue, totalWeight);

(请原谅尺寸从字节到整数的变化 - 我测试了两者并且两者都较慢)

上面的内在函数版本比我的 Ryzen 3600 上的简单算法运行。(100m 值需要 268 毫秒,而不是 230 毫秒)

鉴于我的数据仅在多次聚合(超过数百/数千个不同维度)后才会发生变化,我发现最快的实现是将数据(值、权重)存储在向量中并进行简单的分组。这在 Ryzen 上提供了类似的性能,但在较旧的 i7(不带 AVX)上快了 10%。

        public static Vector2[] AggregateData(Vector2[] data, byte[] dimension)
            int numberOfValues = byte.MaxValue - byte.MinValue + 1;
            Vector2[] sum = new Vector2[numberOfValues];

            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                sum[dimension[i]] += data[i];

            return sum;

我读过一些关于直方图函数的论文,这些函数只是计算每个维度出现的次数。与简单的方法相比,他们获得了近乎完美的 8 倍速度。

我在尝试使用 AVX2 内在函数时是否错过了什么?我是否总是会面临低效的聚集/分散操作?有什么意见/建议吗?

作为一个子案例,是否有一些策略仅在维度较小时才起作用(一次处理 4 个维度值)?例如。将值加载到具有单个非零值的向量中,如下所示,并优化一次处理的行数以使用所有缓存内存。

Values (11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17)
Indicies (1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, 3)
  <0, 11, 0, 0>
+ <12, 0, 0, 0>
+ <0, 0, 0, 13>
+ <0, 14, 0, 0>
+ <0, 0, 15, 0>
+ <16, 0, 0, 0>
+ <0, 0, 0, 17>



正如评论中所述,矢量化对于这种聚合用例来说很难。然而,这并不意味着 SIMD 对您的问题完全无用。尝试这个版本(未经测试)。

主要思想是,这个版本节省了更新累加器所花费的 50% 的随机加载/存储。它在内存中交错累加器,使用 128 位加载/添加/存储指令,并在消耗所有输入值后将结果拆分回 2 个 C# 数组。

static unsafe void aggregateSse2( double* accumulators, double* a, double* b, byte* dimension, int count )
    Debug.Assert( count >= 0 );
    double* aEnd = a + ( count & ( ~1 ) );
    while( a < aEnd )
        // Load accumulator corresponding to the first bucket
        double* accPointer = accumulators + ( 2u * dimension[ 0 ] );
        Vector128<double> acc = Sse2.LoadAlignedVector128( accPointer );

        // Load 2 values from each input array.
        // BTW, possible to use AVX and unroll by 4 instead of 2, using GetLow/GetHigh to extract the 16-byte pieces.
        // Gonna save a bit of loads at the cost of more shuffles, might be slightly faster overall.
        Vector128<double> va = Sse2.LoadVector128( a );
        Vector128<double> vb = Sse2.LoadVector128( b );

        // Increment accumulator with the first value of each array, store back to RAM
        acc = Sse2.Add( acc, Sse2.UnpackLow( va, vb ) );
        Sse2.StoreAligned( accPointer, acc );

        // Load accumulator corresponding to the second bucket.
        // Potentially it might be the same pointer, can't load both in advance.
        accPointer = accumulators + ( 2u * dimension[ 1 ] );
        acc = Sse2.LoadAlignedVector128( accPointer );
        a += 2;
        b += 2;
        dimension += 2;

        // Increment accumulator with the second value of each array, store back to RAM
        acc = Sse2.Add( acc, Sse2.UnpackHigh( va, vb ) );
        Sse2.StoreAligned( accPointer, acc );

    if( 0 != ( count & 1 ) )
        // The input size was odd number, one item left at these pointers.

        // Load a scalar from first input array into lower lane of a vector
        Vector128<double> vec = Sse2.LoadScalarVector128( a );

        // Load the accumulator corresponding to the bucket
        double* accPointer = accumulators + ( 2u * dimension[ 0 ] );
        Vector128<double> acc = Sse2.LoadAlignedVector128( accPointer );

        // Load scalar from second input array into higher lane of that vector
        vec = Sse2.LoadHigh( vec, b );

        // Increment accumulator and store back to RAM
        acc = Sse2.Add( acc, vec );
        Sse2.StoreAligned( accPointer, acc );

static unsafe void splitAccumulators( double* values, double* weights, double* accumulators, int numberOfValues )
    double* end = accumulators + numberOfValues * 2;
    while( accumulators < end )
        Vector128<double> vec = Sse2.LoadAlignedVector128( accumulators );
        accumulators += 2;
        Sse2.StoreScalar( values, vec );
        Sse2.StoreHigh( weights, vec );

/// <summary>Align pointer by 16 bytes, rounding up.</summary>
[MethodImpl( MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining )]
static unsafe void* roundUpBy16( void* pointer )
    if( Environment.Is64BitProcess )  // This branch is missing from JIT output BTW, it's free.
        long a = (long)pointer;
        a = ( a + 15L ) & ( -16L );
        return (void*)a;
        int a = (int)pointer;
        a = ( a + 15 ) & ( -16 );
        return (void*)a;

[SkipLocalsInit] // Otherwise the runtime gonna zero-initialize the stack allocated buffer, very slowly with `push 0` instructions in a loop.
public static (double[], double[]) AggregateDataSse2( double[] data, double[] weight, byte[] dimension )
    Debug.Assert( data.Length == weight.Length && data.Length == dimension.Length );

    const int numberOfValues = 0x100;
        // The buffer is about 4kb RAM, fits in L1D cache.
        // Allocating 2 extra doubles (16 extra bytes) to align the pointer.
        double* accumulators = stackalloc double[ ( numberOfValues * 2 ) + 2 ];
        // Align by 16 bytes
        accumulators = (double*)roundUpBy16( accumulators );
        // Clear accumulators with zeros, let's hope the implementation of that standard library method is good.
        new Span<double>( accumulators, numberOfValues * 2 ).Fill( 0 );

        // Process the input data
        fixed( double* a = data )
        fixed( double* b = weight )
        fixed( byte* dim = dimension )
            aggregateSse2( accumulators, a, b, dim, data.Length );

        // Split the result into 2 arrays
        double[] totalValue = new double[ numberOfValues ];
        double[] totalWeight = new double[ numberOfValues ];
        fixed( double* values = totalValue )
        fixed( double* weights = totalWeight )
            splitAccumulators( values, weights, accumulators, numberOfValues );

        return (totalValue, totalWeight);

它只使用 SSE2,因为它不太需要更宽的 SSE2,但与标量版本相比,仍然应该节省大量的指令和 RAM 事务。我希望所有计算机都能得到一些可衡量的改进。

关于c# - 用于对多个超大型数据数组进行分组操作的 SIMD 矢量化策略,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67060343/


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