kubernetes - 如何创建具有特定节点池的命名空间

标签 kubernetes kubectl azure-aks

我们正在尝试创建具有特定节点池的命名空间。如何在 Azure Kubernetes 上实现这一目标?

error: Unable to create namespace with specific node pool.
Ex: namespace for user nodepool1


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Luca Ghersi注释中提到,可以将命名空间分配给特定节点。对于这个问题,有一个准入 Controller PodNodeSelector (您可以在 kubernetes official documentation 上阅读它)。


This admission controller defaults and limits what node selectors may be used within a namespace by reading a namespace annotation and a global configuration.

基于Azure FAQ ,Azure AKS 默认启用此准入 Controller 。

AKS supports the following admission controllers:

- NamespaceLifecycle
- LimitRanger
- ServiceAccount
- DefaultStorageClass
- DefaultTolerationSeconds
- MutatingAdmissionWebhook
- ValidatingAdmissionWebhook
- ResourceQuota
- PodNodeSelector
- PodTolerationRestriction
- ExtendedResourceToleration

Currently, you can't modify the list of admission controllers in AKS.

关于kubernetes - 如何创建具有特定节点池的命名空间,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67601486/


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