javascript - Three.js - Shadow.bias 修复阴影静态,但移动阴影。怎么修?

标签 javascript three.js


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当我添加一个简单的light.shadow.bias = -0.005;时:

enter image description here

它解决了问题,但导致了另一个问题。从建筑物的阴影中可以看到,阴影完全不协调!有没有办法解决这个问题,或者有替代方法来消除shadow static


您应该能够通过使用新的 normalBias 来缓解该问题属性(property)。来自文档:

Defines how much the position used to query the shadow map is offset along the object normal. The default is 0. Increasing this value can be used to reduce shadow acne especially in large scenes where light shines onto geometry at a shallow angle. The cost is that shadows may appear distorted.

关于javascript - Three.js - Shadow.bias 修复阴影静态,但移动阴影。怎么修?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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