selenium-webdriver - 使用示例 block 时,Cucumber 步骤不与步骤定义绑定(bind)

标签 selenium-webdriver automated-tests cucumber cucumber-java

我正在使用 Cucumber 和 java。当我尝试从示例 block 传递值时,步骤不与步骤定义绑定(bind)。在功能文件上抛出步骤未定义的步骤引用错误。


Scenario Outline: Verify "Create your account" button on the Profile screen for Guest user
    Given I launched the app
    When I skip the On-boarding flow
    And I tap on continue with free lessons button
    And I tap on Profile tab
    Then the output should be <output>
    Then I should be able to see <text> on profile screen
    And I enter Username as <username> and Password as <username>
    And I tap create your account button on profile screen
    Then I should redirected to Create your account screen

    |  text      | output | username |   pwd    |
    |Register now|   5000 |    sam   | willis   |


@Then("I should be able to see {string} on profile screen")
    public void i_should_be_able_to_see_register_now_to_save_your_xp_and_access_your_full_profile_on_profile_screen(String text) {
        profile = new Profile();

    @Then("I should be able to see <text> on profile screen")
    public void iShouldBeAbleToSeeTextOnProfileScreen(String output) {
        profile = new Profile();

    @When("^I enter Username as \"([^\"]*)\" and Password as \"([^\"]*)\"$")
    public void I_enter_Username_as_and_Password_as(String arg1, String arg2) {


    @And("I enter Username as <username> and Password as <username>")
    public void iEnterUsernameAsUsernameAndPasswordAsUsername() {



Step definition image




Scenario Outline: Verify "Create your account" button on the Profile screen for Guest user
    Given I launched the app
    When I skip the On-boarding flow
    And I tap on continue with free lessons button
    And I tap on Profile tab
    Then the output should be "<output>"
    **Then I should be able to see "<text>" on profile screen**
    And I enter Username as "<username>" and Password as "<username>"
    And I tap create your account button on profile screen
    Then I should redirected to Create your account screen

    |  text      | output | username |   pwd    |
    |Register now|   5000 |    sam   | willis   |

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