c++ - 如何避免 C++ 中 operator== 实现的错误?

标签 c++ operators


class ApplicationSettings
   bool operator==(const ApplicationSettings& other) const;
   bool operator!=(const ApplicationSettings& other) const;

   SkinType m_ApplicationSkin;
   UpdateCheckInterval m_IntervalForUpdateChecks;
   bool m_bDockSelectionWidget;
   // Add future members to operator==

bool ApplicationSettings::operator==(const ApplicationSettings& other) const
   if (m_ApplicationSkin != other.m_ApplicationSkin)
      return false;

   if (m_IntervalForUpdateChecks != other.m_IntervalForUpdateChecks)
      return false;

   if (m_bDockSelectionWidget != other.m_bDockSelectionWidget)
      return false;

   return true;

bool ApplicationSettings::operator!=(const ApplicationSettings& other) const;
   return ( ! operator==(other));

Given that C++ at this time does not provide any construct to generate an operator== , 除了我在数据成员下方添加的评论之外,是否有更好的方法来确保 future 的成员成为比较的一部分?


它并不能捕捉到所有情况,令人恼火的是它依赖于编译器和平台,但一种方法是 static_assert基于 sizeof类型:

static_assert<sizeof(*this) == <n>, "More members added?");

哪里<n>constexpr .


关于c++ - 如何避免 C++ 中 operator== 实现的错误?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49127705/


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