sql - 如何过滤表以仅检索每条记录的一次出现

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但是,在我的数据库中,我的客户已添加两次(在 ERP 迁移之后)



在此示例中,“Manu Johns”出现了 2 次,因此我们必须保留最终表中 customer_id 列中具有“C”的那个。

如果我只找到该客户的一次出现。但是,customer_id 列中没有“C”。我们必须按原样将其添加到最终表中

在此示例中,我们有“Mathieu Wainers”,只有当我们将其保留在决赛 table 中时才会出现


CREATE TABLE PersonsInitial (
    tel int,
    firstname varchar(255),
    lastname varchar(255),
    Customer_ID varchar(255)
insert into PersonsInitial(tel,firstname,lastname,Customer_ID) values

select distinct tel, firstname, lastname, customer_id from PersonsInitial

--if there is a person with the same tel number chose the customer id with 'C'
--if I don't have the choice add the customer without C

CREATE TABLE PersonsFinal (
    tel int,
    firstname varchar(255),
    lastname varchar(255),
    Customer_ID varchar(255)
insert into PersonsFinal(tel,firstname,lastname,Customer_ID) values

select distinct tel, firstname, lastname, customer_id from PersonsFinal


您可以根据客户 ID 中是否有“C”将它们排名第一。这就是 cte 存在的原因。

with cte as (select row_number() over (partition by tel, firstname, lastname order by case when left(customer_id, 1) = 'C' then 0 else 1 end) rn, 
               from PersonsInitial p)
select *
  from cte 
 where rn = 1; <-- selects only those with "C" or those for that there is no "C" lines


关于sql - 如何过滤表以仅检索每条记录的一次出现,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71223396/


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