python - 在Python中解析TXT文件

标签 python list io list-comprehension

底部是我通常解析 TXT 文件的方式(工作正常!)



for line in file.readlines()

if line.strip()]

### create a sample TXT file for demo

with open('recipe.txt', 'w') as file:
  3 oeufs
180 g de sucre
 le zest de 2 citrons


### parse the sample TXT file

with open('recipe.txt', 'r') as file:
   lines = [line.strip() 
      for line in file.readlines() 
      if line.strip()]

# ['3 oeufs', '180 g de sucre', 'le zest de 2 citrons']


您可以使用walrus operator (assignment expressions)在 python 3.8 中将 strip 保存到变量中,然后使用它

[x for line in file.readlines() if (x := line.strip())]

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