r - 如何使用 R 找到具有不同土地利用分类的栅格的平均坡度?

标签 r raster r-sf

我是 R 中的 GIS 新手。我有两个输入栅格(高程 DEM 和土地利用分类栅格),我的任务是重新投影、聚合为路线分辨率,最后计算每 block 土地的平均土地坡度使用分类。我无法找到土地用途的平均坡度;这就是我需要帮助的地方。

高程栅格DEM可下载here ,而土地利用分类栅格可以下载 here .


#Load libraries

#Load data
cdl19 <- raster("CDL_2019_clip_20220329135051_1368678123.tif")
elev <- raster("elevation.tif")

#Reproject each raster so that they will be in the same grid system
cor_ref = '+proj=utm +zone=11 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs'

cdl19_proj <- projectRaster(cdl19, crs = cor_ref, method = 'ngb') #Use 'ngb' for categorical data

elev_proj <- projectRaster(elev, crs = cor_ref, method = 'bilinear') #use 'bilinear' for continuous data

#Resample to eliminate resolution problems
elev_resamp <- resample(elev_proj, cdl19_proj, method = 'bilinear')

#Aggregate to larger, 1km x 1km cell size
#Note: This is not exactly 1km x 1km, but projecting to a finer coordinate system would overwhelm my computer's memory capabilities.

cdl19_1k <- aggregate(cdl19_proj, fact = 33.333333333, fun = modal, na.rm=TRUE)

elev_1k <- aggregate(elev_resamp, fact = 33.333333333, fun = modal, na.rm=TRUE)

#Calculate slope of DEM
slope <- terrain(elev_1k, opt = 'slope', units = 'degrees')

#Crop and mask categorical raster to the DEM
cdl19_1k_crop <- crop(cdl19_1k, extent(slope))
mask <- mask(cdl19_1k_crop, mask = slope)


      value count
 [1,]     1   137
 [2,]     4     9
 [3,]     5   230
 [4,]    24    16
 [5,]    28     1
 [6,]    36     7
 [7,]    37     1
 [8,]    61    13
 [9,]   111   136
[10,]   121     7
[11,]   122    52
[12,]   123     7
[13,]   124     2
[14,]   141   351
[15,]   143     1
[16,]   176  2021
[17,]   195    22
[18,]    NA  1342

如何找到每个土地使用值的平均坡度?我认为解决方案涉及组合栅格并运行 cellStats 操作,但我不完全确定。



在这种情况下,我会将土地覆盖数据重新采样为坡度数据。土地覆盖数据的空间分辨率为30 m,高程数据的空间分辨率为~9 m。分解土地覆盖数据不会对数据质量产生太大影响,而聚合坡度数据则会影响数据质量。



cdl19 <- rast("CDL_2019_clip_20220329135051_1368678123.tif")
names(cdl19) <- "cdl"
elev <- rast("elevation.tif")
# to speed things up, remove elevation data not overlapping with cdl
e <- crop(elev, c(-97, -96.35, 39.08, 39.6))

s <- terrain(e, "slope")
cd <- project(cdl19, s, "near")

z <- zonal(cd, s, mean)
#  cdl    slope
#1   0 4.065172
#2   1 1.734034
#3   2 2.064955
#4   4 1.872033
#5   5 1.717542
#6   6 1.155761


# first aggregate a little to get just below the output resolution
sa <- aggregate(s, 2, mean)
scd <- project(sa, cdl19)
zz <- zonal(scd, cdl19, mean)
#  cdl    slope
#1   0 4.072662
#2   1 1.758178
#3   2 2.085544
#4   4 1.885815
#5   5 1.739788
#6   6 1.169922


关于r - 如何使用 R 找到具有不同土地利用分类的栅格的平均坡度?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71760594/


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