common-lisp - 在字符串比较函数中使用 NIL 作为参数是否有效?

标签 common-lisp

我想知道 (string= "abc"nil) 在 Common Lisp 中是否有效。我注意到即使 nil 不是字符串,SBCL 也不会提示。 (string= '() nil) 返回 T 尽管两个参数都不是字符串...



在 Common Lisp 中,字符串比较运算符接受“字符串指示符”。根据Reference Manual ,我们有:

string designator n. a designator for a string; that is, an object that denotes a string and that is one of: a character (denoting a singleton string that has the character as its only element), a symbol (denoting the string that is its name), or a string (denoting itself).



nil n. the object that is at once the symbol named "NIL" in the COMMON-LISP package, the empty list, the boolean (or generalized boolean) representing false, and the name of the empty type.

因此,比较相当于测试字符串 "NIL""NIL" 是否相等,这显然是正确的。

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