c++ - 避免堆损坏

标签 c++ pointers memory operating-system heap-memory

今天,在 EFNet C++ Wiki 上的文章 heap corruption ,我找到了两段代码。

void this_is_bad() /* You wouldn't believe how often this kind of code can be found */    
    char *p = new char[5];    /* spend some cycles in the memory manager */    
    /* do some stuff with p */    
    delete[] p;      /* spend some more cycles, and create an opportunity for a leak */    


void this_is_good()    
   /* Avoid allocation of small temporary objects on the heap*/   
   char p[5];    /* Use the stack instead */   
   /* do some stuff */  



当使用 char* p 时,您是在堆上分配 p,所以您必须注意在最后删除它。在 char *pdelete 之间,在 do some stuff with p 中,代码可能会抛出异常和 p 泄露了。

当使用 char p[5] 时,您在堆栈上分配 p,这样您就不必处理 delete,即使代码抛出异常,你也是安全的。

void this_is_bad()   
  char *p = new char[5]; //on the heap
  // What happens if I throw an unhandled exception here?
  delete[] p;  // I never get to delete p and it gets leaked

关于c++ - 避免堆损坏,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11036751/


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