reactjs - 只允许特定元素作为由 Typescript 检查的 prop

标签 reactjs typescript

如何定义只允许将特定元素类型作为 prop 传递给组件?

假设我有一个组件,它有一个 Prop divider并且应该以这样的方式输入:<svg>元素可以传递给此 Prop 。

import { ElementType, ReactElement } from 'react';

type Props = {
  divider: ReactElement<'svg'>;

export function SVGClipPathSection({ divider: Divider }: Props) {
  return (
      <Divider />


JSX element type 'Divider' does not have any construct or call signatures.ts(2604)



type Props = {
  divider: SVGElement;

export function SVGClipPathSection({ divider }: Props) {
  return <div>{divider}</div>;


error TS2322: Type 'SVGElement' is not assignable to type 'ReactNode'.
  Type 'SVGElement' is missing the following properties from type 'ReactPortal': key, type, props

6   return <div>{divider}</div>;

    1375         children?: ReactNode | undefined;
    The expected type comes from property 'children' which is declared here on type 'DetailedHTMLProps<HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>'




const filtered = divider.filter(e => React.isValidElement(e) && e.type === 'svg');

if (filtered.length !== divider.length) {
  console.warn('divider elements must be of type <svg/>');

const typed = filtered as ReactElement<React.ComponentProps<'svg'>>[];

编辑:您在 this answer 中很好地解释了为什么您想要的东西可能无法实现。 :

Any react functional component is just a function that has a specific props type and returns JSX.Element. This means that if you render the component before you pass it a child, then react has no idea what generated that JSX at all, and just passes it along.

And problem is that you render the component with the <MyComponent> syntax. So after that point, it's just a generic tree of JSX nodes.

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