c++ - OpenMP 4 中的任务依赖性

标签 c++ parallel-processing dependencies task openmp

以下代码基于 OpenMP 4.0 规范工作:

The out and inout dependence-types. The generated task will be a dependent task of all previously generated sibling tasks that reference at least one of the list items in an in, out, or inout dependence-type list.

这意味着 task3 依赖于 task2。正确的?但它没有意义!为什么输入输出依赖任务应该依赖于输入依赖任务?

我需要做什么才能让他们独立? p.s:代码在 Linux 上使用 g++ 4.9 测试。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <omp.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main() {
int x,y;
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(10)
#pragma omp single nowait
#pragma omp task depend (out:x)  //task1
#pragma omp task depend(in:x) depend(out:y)  //task2
        sleep(2); //Does task3 wait for us? Yes!
#pragma omp task depend (inout:x)  //task3
        printf("task3(x): %d\n" , x);
#pragma omp task depend (in:x,y)  //task4
        printf("task4 (x+y): %d\n" , x+y);
return 0;


问题 1:这意味着 task3 依赖于 task2。对吧?

根据OpenMP 4.0 depend 子句的标准(强调我的):

Task dependences are derived from the dependence-type of a depend clause and its list items, where dependence-type is one of the following:

The in dependence-type. The generated task will be a dependent task of all previously generated sibling tasks that reference at least one of the list items in an out or inout dependence-type list.

The out and inout dependence-types. The generated task will be a dependent task of all previously generated sibling tasks that reference at least one of the list items in an in, out, or inout dependence-type list.


  • 子句 depend(in:x) 将生成一个任务,该任务依赖于所有先前使用 depend(out:x)depend(inout :x)
  • 子句 depend(out:x) 或子句 depend(inoout:x) 将生成一个依赖于所有先前生成的提及 x 的任务的任务depend 子句中


       task1 (out:x) -> task2 (in:x,out:y) -> task4 (in:x,y)
                                   |            ^
                                   |            |
                                   > task3 (inout:x)   


问题 2:为什么输入输出依赖任务应该依赖于输入依赖任务?

我只想让您注意到,使用此规则,您将在运行结束时获得变量 xy 的确定值(假设您注意同步访问内存)。如果 task3 依赖于 task1 而不是 task2,则此确定性将不成立(inout 依赖等同于 in 依赖)。

问题 3:我需要做什么才能让他们独立?


  • x == 2y == 2
  • x == 2y == 3

取决于 task2 是否在 task3 之前执行。

关于c++ - OpenMP 4 中的任务依赖性,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27475174/


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