php - 每个正则表达式模式的 laravel 自定义验证错误

标签 php regex validation laravel-7



                'regex:/[@$!%*#?&]/', //required special chars
                'not_regex:/^(20|19|0)/', //must not start with 20 or 19 or 0
                'not_regex:/(.)\1{1}/', //doubles are not allowed
                'not_regex:/(123(?:4(?:5(?:6(?:7(?:89?)?)?)?)?)?|234(?:5(?:6(?:7(?:89?)?)?)?)?|345(?:6(?:7(?:89?)?)?)?|456(?:7(?:89?)?)?|567(?:89?)?|6789?|789)/', //sequential number must not be more than 2
            'password.regex.0'=>'password must contain a lower case character',
            'password.regex.1'=>'password must contain an upper case character',


NB: I have checked all the stack overflow questions but got no solutions, My validation works fine just need to return specific error message for each pattern.


您可以创建 custom validation rule对于每个正则表达式,每个正则表达式都有适当的消息,或者您可以使用 inline closure .

                function ($attribute, $value, $fail) {
                    if (!preg_match(“/[@$!%*#?&]/“, $value)) {
                        $fail('You must include a special character.');
                // ...
            'password.regex.0'=>'password must contain a lower case character',
            'password.regex.1'=>'password must contain an upper case character',

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