rust - 实现 `Eq` 的目的是什么?

标签 rust

无论 Eq 是否实现,以下 rust 程序都会输出相同的结果。那为什么还要费力去实现Eq呢?实现 Eq 会在哪些方面产生影响?

fn main() {
    struct S(i32);
    impl PartialEq for S {
        fn eq(&self, _: &Self) -> bool {
            return false;
    impl Eq for S {} // ?

    let s1 = S(3);
    let s2 = S(4);
    println!("{}", s1 == s1);
    println!("{}", s1 == s2);


来自the documentation from Eq :

Trait for equality comparisons which are equivalence relations.

This means, that in addition to a == b and a != b being strict inverses, the equality must be (for all a, b and c):

  • reflexive: a == a;
  • symmetric: a == b implies b == a; and
  • transitive: a == b and b == c implies a == c.

This property cannot be checked by the compiler, and therefore Eq implies PartialEq, and has no extra methods.

如果您在类型上实现 Eq,您就断言自反、对称和传递规则适用于您的 PartialEq 实现。这无法进行类型检查,因此 Rust 信任程序员只有在知道它实际上满足该条件时才会实现 Eq。这使得某些原本无法工作的算法能够工作,例如HashMap

换句话说,Eq 是告诉编译器“我的类型遵循上述规则”的方式。

注意:无需输入 impl Eq for S {},只需在 S< 的声明上输入 #[derive(Eq)] 即可.

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