尝试应用里氏替换原理的 C# 编译错误

标签 c# .net solid-principles liskov-substitution-principle solid


Parameter types in a method of a subclass should match or be more abstract than parameter types in the method of the superclass. Sounds confusing? Let’s have an example.

Say there’s a class with a method that’s supposed to feed cats: feed(Cat c).
Client code always passes cat objects into this method.

◦ Good: Say you created a subclass that overrode the method so that it can feed any animal (a superclass of cats): feed(Animal c). Now if you pass an object of this subclass instead of an object of the superclass to the client code, everything would still work fine. The method can feed all animals, so it can still feed any cat passed by the client.

◦ Bad: You created another subclass and restricted the feed- ing method to only accept Bengal cats (a subclass of cats): feed(BengalCat c). What will happen to the client code if you link it with an object like this instead of with the orig- inal class? Since the method can only feed a specific breed of cats, it won’t serve generic cats passed by the client, breaking all related functionality.

对我来说一切似乎都很好,直到我决定尝试用 C# 实现这个示例。

public class Animal { }
public class Cat : Animal { }

public class AnimalFeeder
    public virtual void Feed(Cat c)
        Console.WriteLine("Feeding a cat...");

public class GenericFeeder : AnimalFeeder
    public override void Feed(Animal a) // Compile Error - No suitable method found to override 
        Console.WriteLine("Feeding an animal...");




据我了解,里氏替换原则适用于单个继承层次结构。 “好”示例混合了两种类型层次结构,听起来更像逆变解释(如果替换superclass <-> interfacesubclass <-> 实现)

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        var c = new Cat();
        IFeeder<Cat> f;
        f = new CatFeeder();    
        f = new GenericFeeder();    
    public class Animal { }
    public class Cat : Animal { }
    public interface IFeeder <in T>
        void Feed(T x);

    public class CatFeeder : IFeeder <Cat>
        public void Feed(Cat c)
            Console.WriteLine("Feeding a cat...");

    public class GenericFeeder : IFeeder <Animal>
        public void Feed(Animal a)
            Console.WriteLine("Feeding an animal...");

关于尝试应用里氏替换原理的 C# 编译错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/75848348/


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