python - 并行化并加速张量加法循环

标签 python pytorch parallel-processing gpu tensor


我正在开发一个程序,该程序首先沿“列”维度以不同的距离移动张量的不同 channel ,然后沿“ channel ”维度执行求和以将不同维度合并为一个。具体来说,给定大小为 (B,C,H,W) 和步长为 S 的张量 x,其中 B、C、H、W 分别表示批量大小、 channel 数、高度和宽度,即第 i 个 channel x 平移距离(i-1)*S,然后将C 个 channel 求和为1。

这是一个一维玩具示例。 假设我有一个 3 channel 张量 x 为

x = torch.tensor(


x_shifted = torch.tensor(

这里,第一个 channel 移动了距离 0,第二个 channel 移动了距离 1,第三个 channel 移动了距离 2。 最后,将所有三个 channel 相加并合并为一个 channel

y = torch.tensor(



import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from time import time

# Parameters

B = 16
C = 28
H = 256
W = 256
S = 2
T = 1000
device = torch.device('cuda')

seed = 2023

# Method 1

alpha = torch.zeros(B, 1, 1, W+(C-1)*S, device=device)
for i in range(C):
    alpha[..., (i*S):(i*S+W)] += 1

def A(x, mask):
    z = x * mask
    y = torch.zeros(B, 1, H, W+(C-1)*S, device=x.device)
    for i in range(C):
        y[..., (i*S):(i*S+W)] += z[:, (i):(i+1)]
    return y

def A_pinv(y, mask):
    z = y /
    x =[z[..., (i*S):(i*S+W)] for i in range(C)], dim=1) / mask
    return x

# Method 2

kernel = torch.zeros(1, C, 1, (C-1)*S+1, device=device)
for i in range(C):
    kernel[:, C-i-1, :, i*S] = 1

def A_fast(x, mask):
    return F.conv2d(x * mask,, padding=(0, (C-1)*S))

def A_pinv_fast(y, mask):
    return F.conv_transpose2d(y /, kernel, padding=(0, (C-1)*S)) / mask

# Test 1
start_time = time()
MAE = 0
for i in range(T):
    x = torch.rand(B, C, H, W, device=device)
    mask = torch.rand(1, 1, H, W, device=device)
    mask[mask == 0] = 1e-12
    y = A(x, mask)
    x_init = A_pinv(y, mask)
    y_init = A(x_init, mask)
    MAE += (y_init - y).abs().mean().item()
MAE /= T
end_time = time()
print('Test 1')
print('Running Time:', end_time - start_time)
print('MAE:', MAE)

# Test 2
start_time = time()
MAE = 0
for i in range(T):
    x = torch.rand(B, C, H, W, device=device)
    mask = torch.rand(1, 1, H, W, device=device)
    mask[mask == 0] = 1e-12
    y = A_fast(x, mask)
    x_init = A_pinv_fast(y, mask)
    y_init = A_fast(x_init, mask)
    MAE += (y_init - y).abs().mean().item()
MAE /= T
end_time = time()
print('Test 2')
print('Running Time:', end_time - start_time)
print('MAE:', MAE)

这里,方法 1 使用 for 循环实现该过程,而我相信方法 2 通过使用 2D 等效地实现该过程卷积运算。

更具体地说,函数AA_pinv分别实现了转发压缩过程及其“伪逆”。 方法 2 中的“快速”版本预计通过并行实现会更快。


我们能否有效加速方法1?更具体地说,我想知道我们是否可以并行化 for 循环,以使“Shift+Summation”过程更快?


大内核卷积不一定高效。 torch.scatter_add_可以直接对移位后的元素求和。


out_W = W + (C-1)*S
i_list = torch.arange(C, dtype=torch.long, device=device)
y_list = torch.arange(H, dtype=torch.long, device=device)
x_list = torch.arange(W, dtype=torch.long, device=device)
indices = x_list + i_list.view(C, 1, 1)*S + y_list.view(1, H, 1)*(out_W)
indices = indices.view(1, C*H*W).expand(B, C*H*W)
functionally equivalent to:
for i in range(C):
    for y in range(H):
        for x in range(W):
            indices[i*H*W+y*W+x] = x + i*S + y*(out_W)

def A_faster(x, mask):
    y = torch.zeros(B, H*out_W, device=x.device)
    y.scatter_add_(1, indices, (x*mask).view(B, C*H*W))
    return y.view(B, 1, H, out_W)

令人惊讶的是,您的方法 1 即使对于较大的 C 也能很好地发挥作用(或者分散不能很好地扩展)。


Test 1                          
Running Time: 1.4626126289367676  
Test 2                   
Running Time: 2.808514356613159                                                                          
Test 3                                                                                                   
Running Time: 1.3663663864135742                
|Test1 - Test2|:  tensor(9.2172e-07, device='cuda:0')
|Test1 - Test3|:  tensor(7.5425e-09, device='cuda:0')
|Test2 - Test3|:  tensor(9.2173e-07, device='cuda:0')

对于 C=512(方法 2 因速度太慢而被跳过):

Test 1
Running Time: 27.37247085571289
Test 3
Running Time: 24.335933446884155
|Test1 - Test3|:  tensor(3.9411e-08, device='cuda:0')


import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from time import time

# Parameters

B = 16
C = 28
H = 256
W = 256
S = 2
T = 1000
device = torch.device('cuda')

seed = 2023

# Method 1

alpha = torch.zeros(B, 1, 1, W+(C-1)*S, device=device)
for i in range(C):
    alpha[..., (i*S):(i*S+W)] += 1

def A(x, mask):
    z = x * mask
    y = torch.zeros(B, 1, H, W+(C-1)*S, device=x.device)
    for i in range(C):
        y[..., (i*S):(i*S+W)] += z[:, (i):(i+1)]
    return y

def A_pinv(y, mask):
    z = y /
    x =[z[..., (i*S):(i*S+W)] for i in range(C)], dim=1) / mask
    return x

# Method 2

kernel = torch.zeros(1, C, 1, (C-1)*S+1, device=device)
for i in range(C):
    kernel[:, C-i-1, :, i*S] = 1

def A_fast(x, mask):
    return F.conv2d(x * mask,, padding=(0, (C-1)*S))

def A_pinv_fast(y, mask):
    return F.conv_transpose2d(y /, kernel, padding=(0, (C-1)*S)) / mask

# Method 3
out_W = W + (C-1)*S
i_list = torch.arange(C, dtype=torch.long, device=device)
y_list = torch.arange(H, dtype=torch.long, device=device)
x_list = torch.arange(W, dtype=torch.long, device=device)
indices = x_list + i_list.view(C, 1, 1)*S + y_list.view(1, H, 1)*(out_W)
indices = indices.view(1, C*H*W).expand(B, C*H*W)
functionally equivalent to:
for i in range(C):
    for y in range(H):
        for x in range(W):
            indices[i*H*W+y*W+x] = x + i*S + y*(out_W)

def A_faster(x, mask):
    y = torch.zeros(B, H*out_W, device=x.device)
    y.scatter_add_(1, indices, (x*mask).view(B, C*H*W))
    return y.view(B, 1, H, out_W)

# Test 1
start_time = time()
for i in range(T):
    x = torch.rand(B, C, H, W, device=device)
    mask = torch.rand(1, 1, H, W, device=device)
    mask[mask == 0] = 1e-12
    y = A(x, mask)
end_time = time()
print('Test 1')
print('Running Time:', end_time - start_time)

# Test 2
start_time = time()
for i in range(T):
    x = torch.rand(B, C, H, W, device=device)
    mask = torch.rand(1, 1, H, W, device=device)
    mask[mask == 0] = 1e-12
    y = A_fast(x, mask)
end_time = time()
print('Test 2')
print('Running Time:', end_time - start_time)

# Test 3
start_time = time()
for i in range(T):
    x = torch.rand(B, C, H, W, device=device)
    mask = torch.rand(1, 1, H, W, device=device)
    mask[mask == 0] = 1e-12
    y = A_faster(x, mask)
end_time = time()
print('Test 3')
print('Running Time:', end_time - start_time)

error = 0
for _ in range(T):
    error += (A(x, mask) - A_fast(x, mask)).abs().mean()
error /= T
print('|Test1 - Test2|: ', error)

error = 0
for _ in range(T):
    error += (A(x, mask) - A_faster(x, mask)).abs().mean()
error /= T
print('|Test1 - Test3|: ', error)

error = 0
for _ in range(T):
    error += (A_fast(x, mask) - A_faster(x, mask)).abs().mean()
error /= T
print('|Test2 - Test3|: ', error)

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