SharePoint 2010 搜索不起作用

标签 sharepoint sharepoint-2010

我已安装并配置 SharePoint 2010,使其与在 Windows Server 2008 R2 中运行的 SQL Server 在同一机器上运行。除了搜索之外,一切都工作正常。我已经上传了多个文档并标记了多个项目(文档、任务、公告等),但是每当我使用默认搜索搜索网站时,无论我搜索什么,我都不会返回任何内容,我只是得到“我们没有找到任何结果”对于[搜索词]”。我知道如果您想使用“快速搜索”,则需要进行设置,但是我需要做任何事情才能使标准默认搜索正常工作吗?


SharePoint.SE 上找到答案:

After installing the system you need to configure your indexing job.

  1. Navigate to CA > Service Applications > Search.
  2. You will see a link to your Content Sources. If you edit that it will give you the opportunity to setup a schedule for both Full and Incremental indexing.
  3. You can kick off a full crawl, once completed you will have results if everything is configured correctly.

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