.net - 32 位和 64 位 .net 框架最大内存有什么区别?

标签 .net frameworks

32位和64位.net框架的最大内存有区别吗?我的意思是:在 64 位 .net 框架上编写时可以分配超过 2GB 的内存吗?



来自this帖子中,看起来他们取消了最大 2GB,您可以使用所有可用内存。

x64 has the following pros:

  1. No 2GB memory limit - you can use all of the memory available.
  2. Potential for better perf., especially with some double precision math. x64 has a couple of extra registers, and can do some things faster (potentially). I've seen some significant boosts in some highly numerical code, but for most business applications, you won't see a difference.

x64 has the following cons:

  1. Less than ideal IDE support
  2. Program takes more memory (object references 2x size)

查看 Migrating 32-bit Managed Code to 64-bit可能也会有帮助。

关于.net - 32 位和 64 位 .net 框架最大内存有什么区别?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4850870/


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