c++ - 用于 C/C++ 编程的好的 gvim guifont 是什么

标签 c++ c vim


我正在尝试为 gvim 寻找最佳字体以在 C/C++ 中编程。

我目前在 ~/.gvimrc 中有以下内容,但我不喜欢它:

if has("gui_gtk2")
    set guifont=MiscFixed\ 11
    set guifont=-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1
set columns=80 lines=50
set guioptions-=T "hide toolbar

"Try to load happy hacking teal colour scheme
"I copy this to ~/.vim/colors/hhteal.vim
silent! colorscheme hhteal
if exists("colors_name") == 0
    "Otherwise modify the defaults appropriately

    "background set to dark in .vimrc
    "So pick appropriate defaults.
    hi Normal     guifg=gray guibg=black
    hi Visual     gui=none guifg=black guibg=yellow

    "The following removes bold from all highlighting
    "as this is usually rendered badly for me. Note this
    "is not done in .vimrc because bold usually makes
    "the colour brighter on terminals and most terminals
    "allow one to keep the new colour while turning off
    "the actual bolding.

    " Steve Hall wrote this function for me on vim@vim.org
    " See :help attr-list for possible attrs to pass
    function! Highlight_remove_attr(attr)
        " save selection registers
        silent! put

        " get current highlight configuration
        redir @x
        silent! highlight
        redir END


您可以使用 :set guifont=* 调出字体选择器对话框。选择字体后,使用 :echo &guifont 查看要放入 .gvimrc 的内容。 (记得 \-转义空格)

就我个人而言,我喜欢 Inconsolata。来 self 的 .gvimrc:

set guifont=Inconsolata\ 13

关于c++ - 用于 C/C++ 编程的好的 gvim guifont 是什么,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1539861/


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