haskell - 如何在不使用记录语法的情况下实现 MonadState 类?

标签 haskell monads ghc monad-transformers state-monad

我发现我很难理解 MonadState


因此,我尝试在不使用记录语法的情况下实现 MonadState



是否有一个不使用记录语法实现 MonadState 的简单示例?

data Foo a b = Foo (Maybe ([a],b)) deriving (Show)

unwrapFoo :: Foo a b -> Maybe ([a],b)
unwrapFoo (Foo x) = x

instance Monad (Foo [a]) where
  return x = Foo $ Just ([], x) 
  m >>= f  = case unwrapFoo m of
               Just (_, r) -> f r
               Nothing     -> Foo Nothing 

instance MonadState Int (Foo [a]) where
  get   = Foo $ Just ([], 1)     
  put _ = Foo $ Just ([],())

*Main> get :: Foo [a] Int
Foo (Just ([],1))
*Main> put 3 :: Foo [a] ()
Foo (Just ([],()))


让我们从 State Monad 的基本思想开始。

newtype MyState s a = MyState (s {- current state -}
                           -> (s {- New state -}, a {- New value -}))

unwrap (MyState f) = f

所以现在我们需要实现 >>=return

return 非常简单:

return a = MyState $ \s -> -- Get the new state
                     (s, a) -- and pack it into our value



(MyState f) >>= g = MyState $ \state -> 
    let (newState, val) = f state
        MyState newF    = g val
    in newF state

因此,我们得到一个新状态,将其输入到现有的状态 monad 中,然后将结果值/状态对传递给 g 并返回结果。



runState = unwrap

get = MyState \s -> (s, s)
put a = MyState \s -> (a, ())

关于haskell - 如何在不使用记录语法的情况下实现 MonadState 类?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16522744/


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