vba - 如何用另一个数组的内容填充数组的列?

标签 vba excel-2010


Dim A() As Double
Dim B() As Double
ReDim A(1 To 100,1 To 1)
ReDim B(1 To 100,1 To 1)

' fill A and B with stuff...

Dim C As Double

' I now want "A" to form the first column and "B" to form the second column of array C

C(1 To 100, 1) = A(1 To 100, 1) ' Compile error at '=': Expected end of statement
C(1 To 100, 2) = B(1 To 100, 1) ' Compile error at '=': Expected end of statement



Preferably without using loops, is it possible to fill the contents of an empty array


执行此操作的关键是不要使用 Double 作为数组类型,而是使用 Variant。请参阅此示例。

Option Explicit

Sub Sample()
    Dim A(1 To 2) As Variant
    Dim B(1 To 2) As Variant
    Dim C As Variant
    Dim Ub_A As Long, Ub_B As Long, i As Long
    Dim sA As String, sB As String, sAB As String

    '~~> Assign sample data to array A and B
    A(1) = 1: A(2) = 2: B(1) = 3: B(2) = 4

    Ub_A = UBound(A): Ub_B = UBound(B)

    sA = "{" & Join(A, ",") & "},"
    sB = "{" & Rept("0,", Ub_A) & Join(B, ",") & "},"

    sAB = "{" & Rept("1,", Ub_A) & Rept("2,", Ub_B)
    sAB = Left(sAB, Len(sAB) - 1) & "},"

    '~~> Construct your C Array
    C = Evaluate("Choose(" & sAB & sA & sB & ")")

    '~~> For testing purpose only to check the elements of C Array
    For i = LBound(C) To UBound(C)
        Debug.Print ">>"; C(i)
    Next i
End Sub

Private Function Rept(s As String, j As Long) As String
    Rept = Replace(Space(j), " ", s)
End Function


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关于vba - 如何用另一个数组的内容填充数组的列?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22775994/


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