c - 尝试释放时出现堆错误

标签 c strcat

这闻起来像是某种堆损坏,但我似乎找不到它。 尝试运行 free(tmp_for_free) 时,string_utils_replace() 上会出现此问题。该函数应该将 “string” 中每次出现的 “search” 替换为 “replace”

char* string_utils_part_of_string(char *string, int from, int to)
    int size_to_allocate = to - from + 1;
    char *result = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * size_to_allocate);

    strncpy(result, string + from, to - from);
    result[size_to_allocate - 1] = '\0';

    return result;

char* string_utils_replace(char *search, char *replace, char *string)
    char *end, *result = string, *tmp_for_free = NULL;
    int before_replace, after_replace;
    int size_search = strlen(search);
    int size_replace = strlen(replace);
    int size_string, size_find;
    int first_time = 1;

    char *find = strstr(string, search);

    if (find == NULL)
        return string_utils_copy_string(string);

    while (find != NULL)
        tmp_for_free = result;

        size_string = strlen(result);
        size_find = strlen(find);

        before_replace = size_string - size_find;
        after_replace = before_replace + size_replace;

        end = string_utils_part_of_string(result, after_replace, size_string);
        result = string_utils_part_of_string(result, 0, before_replace);
        strcat(result, replace);
        strcat(result, end);

        // no memory leaks, hooray!
        if (first_time == 0)

        size_string = strlen(result);
        find = strstr(result, search);
        first_time = 0;

    return result;



根据 man page strcat(),

char *strcat(char *dest, const char *src);

[..] and the dest string must have enough space for the result. If dest is not large enough, program behavior is unpredictable;

在您的string_utils_part_of_string()函数中,您没有为结果分配足够的内存来保存整个输入,并且稍后,您尝试通过 strcat() 使用同一指针来存储整个输入。这会造成内存溢出,进而调用 undefined behaviour .

注意:请do not cast Cmalloc() 及其族的返回值。

关于c - 尝试释放时出现堆错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29918374/


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