Peter Norvig 的拼写校正器的 Haskell 版本慢得令人难以置信

标签 haskell dictionary text

作为练习,我写了 Peter Norvig 的 spelling corrector algorithm在 haskell :

module Spl (nwords, correct)

import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.List (maximumBy, splitAt, foldl')
import Text.Regex.TDFA (getAllTextMatches, (=~))

import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map

type NWords = Map.Map String Int

alphabet :: String
alphabet = enumFromTo 'a' 'z'

nwords :: String -> Map.Map String Int
nwords = train . words'

uniqueElems :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
uniqueElems = uniq' Set.empty
    where uniq' _ [] = []
          uniq' seen (x:xs)
            | x `Set.member` seen = uniq' seen xs
            | otherwise           = x:uniq' (x `Set.insert` seen) xs

words' :: String -> [String]
words' = getAllTextMatches . flip (=~) "[a-z]+" . map toLower

train :: [String] -> NWords
train = foldl' populate Map.empty
    where populate m feature = Map.insertWith (+) feature 1 m

edits :: String -> [String]
edits word = uniqueElems $ concat [dels, trans, repl, ins]
    where dels   = [a ++ tail b | (a,b) <- splits, nn b]
          trans  = [ a ++ (b!!1):head b:tail (tail b) | (a,b) <- splits
                   , length b > 1]
          repl   = [a ++ c:tail b | (a,b) <- splits, c <- alphabet, nn b]
          ins    = [a ++ c:b | (a,b) <- splits, c <- alphabet]
          splits = [splitAt n word | n <- [0..length word]]
          nn     = not . null

knownEdits :: NWords -> String -> [String]
knownEdits nw word = uniqueElems [ e2 | e1 <- edits word, e2 <- edits e1
                                 , Map.member e2 nw]

known :: NWords -> [String] -> [String]
known nw = uniqueElems . filter (`Map.member` nw)

correct :: NWords -> String -> String
correct nw word = fst $ maximumBy (comparing snd) candidates
    where candidates = [(w, Map.findWithDefault 0 w nw) | w <- result]
          result     = head $ filter (not . null) start
          start      = [ known nw [word], known nw $ edits word
                       , knownEdits nw word , [word]]


ghci> t <- readFile "big.txt"
ghci> let nw = nwords t
ghci> correct nw "speling"

Peter Norvig 的网站上提供了 big.txt 文件(直接链接,6.2MB):


  • 构建单词 map 需要很长时间train 函数比 words' 慢得多,因此它是瓶颈。
  • 内存使用率太疯狂了。玩了一段时间后,我的容量几乎达到了 1 GB。




  • 使用高效的字符串类型(即 Text/ByteString 或其惰性变体)
  • 使用更好的 HashMap 实现 - 例如 Data.HashMap.Strict
  • 编写自定义单词解析器而不是使用正则表达式

以下代码可以在大约 2 秒内将所有 big.txt 加载到 Data.Hashmap.Strict 中。内存使用量约为 25 MB(在 64 位系统上):

import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Data.List

isAlpha ch = ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z') || ('A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z')

wrds :: T.Text -> [ T.Text ]
wrds bs =
      (_, r1) = T.span (not . isAlpha) bs
      (w, r2) = T.span isAlpha r1
  in if T.null w then [] else T.toLower w : wrds r2

readDict = do
  allwords <- fmap wrds $ T.readFile "big.txt"
  let h = foldl' add H.empty all words
      add h w = let c = H.lookupDefault (0 :: Int)  w h
                in  H.insert w (c+1) h
      member = \k -> H.member k h
      frequency = \k -> H.lookupDefault 0 k h
  return (member, frequency)

使用惰性文本可能会更有效 - 有待研究。

这是我的其余实现 - 几乎遵循 Norvig,但我做了一些您可能会感兴趣的其他选择:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module SpellText

import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.List.Ordered (nubSort)
import Data.Ord
import Data.List
import Control.Monad

type Dict = ( Text -> Bool, Text -> Int )

singles :: [ Text ]
singles = map T.singleton ['a'..'z']

edits :: Text -> [ Text ]
edits w = deletes <> nubSort (transposes <> replaces) <> inserts
    splits     = zip (T.inits w) (T.tails w)
    deletes    = [ a <> (T.drop 1 b) | (a,b) <- splits, T.length b > 0 ]
    transposes = [ a <> c <> (T.drop 2 b) | (a,b) <- splits, T.length b > 1,
                   let c = T.pack [ T.index b 1, T.index b 0 ] ]
    replaces   = [ a <> c <> (T.drop 1 b) | (a,b) <- splits, T.length b > 1,
                    c <- singles ]
    inserts    = [ a <> c <> b | (a,b) <- splits, c <- singles ]

orElse :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
orElse [] bs = bs
orElse as _  = as

-- | Correct a word. 'isMember' and 'frequency' are functions to
--   determine if a word is in the dictionary and to lookup its
--   frequency, respectively.
correct :: Dict -> Text -> Text 
correct (isMember,frequency) w0 = 
  let ed0 = [ w0 ]
      ed1 = edits w0
      ed2 = [ e2 | e1 <- ed1, e2 <- edits e1 ]

      kn0 = filter isMember ed0
      kn1 = filter isMember ed1
      kn2 = filter isMember ed2

      candidates = kn0 `orElse` (kn1 `orElse` (kn2 `orElse` [w0]))
  in maximumBy (comparing frequency) candidates


{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import ... -- import the above code

main = do
  dictfns <- readDict
  print $ correct dictfns "howwa"

我测得的校正时间与 Python 版本相当 - 可能快了 10%。

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