django - django-activity-stream中action对象和target的区别

标签 django django-activity-stream

使用django-activity-stream,人们可以创建事件流(最近做了什么?),就像在 Facebook、Twitter 或任何其他社交网络中一样。



截至 :

[Object] describes the primary object of the activity. For instance, in the activity, "John saved a movie to his wishlist", the object of the activity is "movie".

[Target] describes the target of the activity. The precise meaning of the activity's target is dependent on the activities verb, but will often be the object the English preposition "to". For instance, in the activity, "John saved a movie to his wishlist", the target of the activity is "wishlist".


 Actor   Verb       Object       Target
 Paul  | uploaded | an artwork | to his collection
 Jane  | added    | an event   | to her personal calendar
 Aidas | asked    | a question | on django discussion  

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