json - 根据其他字段指定的类型读取 JSON 字段

标签 json scala playframework

我有如下 JSON:

  "properties" : {
    "timestamp" : "1970-01-01T01:00:00+01:00",
    "attributes" : [
        "name" : "Weather",
        "value" : "Cloudy",
        "fieldDataType" : "string"
        "name" : "pH",
        "value" : 7.2,
        "fieldDataType" : "double"
        "name" : "Quality Indicator",
        "value" : 2,
        "fieldDataType" : "integer"

我想使用 Play JSON 库来解析它。我已经能够处理“时间戳”,但在解析“值”字段时遇到困难,因为它的类型是由“fieldDataType”确定的。到目前为止我已经:

sealed trait AttributeValue
case class AttributeInt(value: Integer) extends AttributeValue
case class AttributeDouble(value: Double) extends AttributeValue
case class AttributeString(value: String) extends AttributeValue

case class Attribute (name: String, value: AttributeValue)

object Attribute {    
    implicit val attributeReads: Reads[Attribute] = (
        (JsPath \ "name").read[String] and
        (JsPath \ "fieldDataType").read[String] // ???
    )(Attribute.apply _)



首先,我确实允许自己将您的 ​​AttributeInt 声明更改为:

case class AttributeInt(value: Int) extends AttributeValue



val attributeByDatatype: PartialFunction[String, JsPath => Reads[AttributeValue]] = {
  case "integer" => _.read[Int].map(AttributeInt)
  case "double" => _.read[Double].map(AttributeDouble)
  case "string" => _.read[String].map(AttributeString)

作为 PartialFunction 不仅允许它处理特定的数据类型,还可以提供有关它知道什么数据类型和不知道什么数据类型的信息,这对于 Reads.collect 方法很有用,而生成的 Reads 可以作为 flatMap



object Attribute {
  implicit val attributeReads: Reads[Attribute] = (
      (JsPath \ "name").read[String] and
      (JsPath \ "fieldDataType")
      .collect(ValidationError("datatype unknown"))(attributeByDatatype)
      .flatMap(_(JsPath \ "value"))
  )(Attribute.apply _)

关于json - 根据其他字段指定的类型读取 JSON 字段,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33204107/


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