c++ - 测试一个对象是否已经从

标签 c++ c++11 move-semantics universal-reference

我正在测试我的容器包装器是否正确实现了 URef。我能想到的唯一明显的方法是尝试找出一种检测对象是否已 move 的方法。


Could you please provide some more info on what you have? Like what is your container, how you use it, can you modify it or not, etc. Maybe you can test this without modification of your container, but rather by using special container element type - which tracks copies and moves.

几个不同的容器和一些独立的模板函数。大多数情况下,它是 STL 库类型的包装器,例如 deque、list、map、set 等。


Is there a good way of testing to make sure that an object was not copied?


live demo

#include <boost/container/vector.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

using namespace boost;
using namespace std;

struct Test
    bool copied;
        : copied(false)
    Test(const Test&)
        : copied(true)

template<typename Container>
void check_move_constructor()
    Container from(1);
    Container to(boost::move(from));
    cout << "\tmove constructor is" << (to[0].copied ? " not" : "") << " working" << endl;

template<typename Container>
void check_move_assignment()
    Container from(1);
    Container to;
    cout << "\tmove assignment is" << (to[0].copied ? " not" : "") << " working" << endl;

template<typename Container>
void check_move(const string &name)
    cout << name << " :" << endl;
    check_move_constructor< Container >();
    check_move_assignment< Container >();
    cout << string(16,'_') << endl;

int main()
    cout << boolalpha;
    check_move< container::vector<Test> >("boost::container::vector");
    check_move< vector<Test> >("std::vector");
    return 0;

MSVC2008 输出:

boost::container::vector :
        move constructor is working
        move assignment is working
std::vector :
        move constructor is not working
        move assignment is not working

请注意,在这段代码中,我使用了从左值的显式 move ,因此复制省略在这里不起作用。

附言另一种方法是检查生成的汇编代码。例如 MSVC 上的/FA 编译器选项或 GCC 上的 -S。


__declspec(noinline) void asm_marker(int line) { volatile int i=line; };
#define ASM_MARKER asm_marker(__LINE__)




    mov     ecx, 235                                ; 000000ebH
    call    ?asm_marker@@YAXH@Z                     ; asm_marker
    mov     edi, r12d
    lea     rcx, QWORD PTR [rdi+rdi*4]
    mov     rax, QWORD PTR vec$[rsp]
    lea     r9, QWORD PTR [rax+rcx*8]
    mov     rbx, QWORD PTR vec$[rsp+32]
    mov     ecx, 237                                ; 000000edH
    call    ?asm_marker@@YAXH@Z                     ; asm_marker   

关于c++ - 测试一个对象是否已经从,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13327198/


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