pivotaltracker - 丢弃(但不是废弃)Pivotal Tracker 中的故事

标签 pivotaltracker


有时我会走上错误的道路,创建一个故事(功能),但后来我意识到我不需要或不想要。然而,我不想把它扔掉 - 我想保留它以供将来引用,但我希望它能消失在某个地方 - 而不是永远留在我当前的专栏中。



Pivotal Support 准确解释了为什么没有人发布答案...



长答案(来自 Pivotal 支持):

Unfortunately there's not a way to archive stories in Tracker and as you've discovered, the reject button doesn't remove stories from Current.

In these cases we recommend creating a label describing the situation (“on-hold”, “not reproducible”, won't fix", etc.) to apply to such stories, and then move the story to the bottom of the Icebox along with a concise comment explaining the decision (you must "unstart" the story before it can be moved to the Icebox). You can also use a release marker in the icebox to separate stories like this from others, as in the attached screenshot.​

enter image description here

关于pivotaltracker - 丢弃(但不是废弃)Pivotal Tracker 中的故事,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33615615/


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