assembly - 汇编中按值传递和按引用传递

标签 assembly parameters dos masm x86-16


创建一个PROC过程,该过程将一个参数作为按值传递,并根据作为参数传递的数字打印“X”的数字。 在打印之前,请确保参数为正数,程序结束时需要将已使用的寄存器更改回其初始值

如果该过程的输入为 5,则控制台上的输出应为:



var db 5 ;In the dataseg  
push [var] ;in the codeseg  

proc example  
    pop cx  
    cmp cx,0  
    ja print  
    mov dl, 'X'  
    mov ah, 2h  
    int 21h  
    loop print  
endp example  



作为 Peter 答案的附录,您可以使用 MASM/TASM 生成序言和尾声代码来为您设置BP,并允许您通过标签访问过程/函数参数。关于 MASM 和 TASM 使用的 PROC 子例程的相当好的教程可以在 here 找到。

我还将 var 更改为 WORD 而不是 BYTE。生成的代码如下所示:


    var dw 5           ; Change to 16-bit WORD


example proc C         ; C Calling convention - parameters on stack right to left
    ARG num:WORD       ; We take one argument called `num` that is a word

    mov cx, num        ; Move the 16-bit value in `num` to CX counter
                       ;     same as: mov cx, [bp+4]
                       ;     [bp+0] is saved copy of BP put on stack by MASM's prologue
                       ;     [bp+2] return address placed on stack by CALL
    cmp cx, 0
    jle negative       ; If we are less than or equal to 0, exit procedure
    mov dl, 'X'
    mov ah, 2h         ; ah and dl not destroyed by int 21h/ah=2 so set them once
                       ;     before loop
    int 21h            ; Print an 'X'
    loop print         ; Continue until loop is 0
endp example

main proc
     mov ax, @data     ; initialize DS
     mov ds, ax

     push [var]        ; Push 2-byte value at `var` (pushing by value)
     call example
     add sp, 2         ; Remove parameter from stack
                       ;     Not necessary since we use int 21h to exit right after
     mov ah, 4ch       ; return control to DOS
     int 21h
main endp

end main               ; Entry point = label main


example proc
    push bp            ; Save BP on stack  \
    mov bp, sp         ; Set BP to SP      / Function prologue
                       ;     [bp+0] is saved copy of BP put on stack by prologue
                       ;     [bp+2] return address placed on stack by CALL
                       ;     [bp+4] first parameter (NUM)

    mov cx, [bp+4]     ; Move the value at BP+4 (NUM) to CX counter

    cmp cx, 0
    jle negative       ; If we are less than or equal to 0, exit procedure
    mov dl, 'X'
    mov ah, 2h         ; ah and dl not destroyed by int 21h/ah=2 so set them once
                       ;     before loop
    int 21h            ; Print an 'X'
    loop print         ; Continue until loop is 0
    mov sp, bp         ; Restore stack pointer \
    pop bp             ; Restore BP register   / Function epilogue
endp example


关于assembly - 汇编中按值传递和按引用传递,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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