date - Lookupset 中的 SSRS 最大日期

标签 date reporting-services ssrs-2008 max


我使用 LookupSet 返回日期列表,然后将它们连接起来以返回列表:



  • 上面的函数封装在 Max 函数中(不起作用,因为 Join 返回一个字符串)
  • 使用 split 函数拆分结果字符串,查找逗号,然后使用 max 函数
  • 执行上述两项操作,但首先使用 CDate 和 DateTime.Parse 将输出转换为 Date 对象,如下所示...





我找到了使用自定义代码的解决方案。 Oz Locke 创建了一个函数,可以对整数数据进行各种聚合(下面的链接),我已经修改了它以适用于日期。

在报表的 Code 属性中,粘贴以下内容:

'Amended from Oz Locke's code:
'Allows users to adjust the aggregation type of lookupsets in a cell
Function AggLookup(ByVal choice As String, ByVal items As Object)

'Ensure passed array is not empty
'Return a zero so you don't have to allow for Nothing
If items Is Nothing Then
    Return 0
End If

'Define names and data types for all variables
Dim current As Date
Dim count As Integer
Dim min As Date
Dim max As Date
Dim err As String

'Define values for variables where required
current = CDate("01/01/1900")
count = 0
err = ""

'Calculate and set variable values
For Each item As Object In items

    'Calculate Count
    count += 1

    'Check value is a number
    If IsDate(item) Then

        'Set current
        current = CDate(item)

        'Calculate Min
        If min = Nothing Then
            min = current
        End If
        If min > current Then
            min = current
        End If

        'Calculate the Max
        If max = Nothing Then
            max = current
        End If
        If max < current Then
            max = current
        End If

        'If value is not a number return "NaN"
        err = "NaN"
    End If


'Select and set output based on user choice or parameter one
If err = "NaN" Then
    If choice = "count" Then
        Return count
        Return 0
    End If
    Select Case choice
        Case "count"
            Return count
        Case "min"
            Return min
        Case "max"
            Return max
    End Select
End If
End Function


=code.AggLookup("max", LookupSet(Fields!cPatSer.Value,Fields!cPatSer.Value,Fields!DDate.Value,"PatD"))

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