c++ - DFS : How to indicate the nodes of the connected components in C++

标签 c++ graph-theory depth-first-search backtracking

我正在做一个 ACM 竞赛的问题,以确定具有无向图 G 和属于每个组件的顶点的连通组件的数量。已经完成了 DFS 算法,计算无向图的连接组件的数量(问题的难点),但我想不出任何东西来指示属于每个组件的节点或有节点的记录。

输入: 第一行输入一个整数C,表示测试用例的个数。每个测试用例的第一行包含两个整数 N 和 E,其中 N 表示图中的节点数,E 表示图中的边数。然后是E行,每行有2个整数I和J,其中I和J表示节点I和节点J之间存在一条边(0≤I,J

输出:在每个测试用例的第一行必须显示以下字符串“Case G: P component(s) connected(s)” ,其中 G 表示测试用例的数量(从 1 开始),P 表示图中连接的组件数量。然后是 X 行,每行包含属于一个连接组件的节点(按从小到大的顺序),由空格分隔。 每个测试用例之后应该打印一个空行。输出应该写在“output.out”中。



6 9
0 1
0 2
1 2
5 4
3 1
2 4
2 5
3 4
3 5
8 7
0 1
2 1
2 0
3 4
4 5
5 3
7 6


Case 1: 1 component (s) connected (s)
0 1 2 3 4 5

Case 2: 3 component (s) connected (s)
0 1 2
3 4 5
6 7


#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
vector<int> adjacency[10000];
bool visited[10000];

/// @param Standard algorithm DFS
void dfs(int u){
    visited[ u ] = true;
    for( int v = 0 ; v < adjacency[u].size(); ++v ){
        if( !visited[ adjacency[u][v] ] ){
            dfs( adjacency[u][v] );

    int main(int argc, char *argv []){
    #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE
    #pragma warning(disable: 4996)
        freopen("input.in", "r", stdin);
            freopen("output.out", "w", stdout);

         ///enumerate vertices from 1 to vertex
        int vertex, edges , originNode ,destinationNode, i, j,cont =1;
        ///number of test cases
        int testCases;
        int totalComponents;
        scanf ("%d", &testCases);

        for (i=0; i<testCases; i++){

        memset( visited , 0 , sizeof( visited ) );
        scanf("%d %d" , &vertex , &edges );
        for (j=0; j<edges; j++){
            scanf("%d %d" , &originNode ,&destinationNode );
            adjacency[ originNode ].push_back( destinationNode );
            adjacency[ destinationNode ].push_back( originNode );
            totalComponents =0;
            for( int i = 0 ; i < vertex ; ++i ){    // Loop through all possible vertex
                if( !visited[ i ] ){          //if we have not visited any one component from that node
                    dfs( i );                  //we travel from node i the entire graph is formed
                    totalComponents++;                   //increased amount of components
            printf("Case %d: %d component (s) connected (s)\n" ,cont++, totalComponents);

            for (j=0;j<total;j++){
        /*here should indicate the vertices of each connected component*/
        memset( adjacency , 0 , sizeof( adjacency ) );
    return 0;




  • 获取一个图节点。
  • 找到所有直接或间接连接到它的节点(双向)。
  • 将它们全部标记为“已遍历”并将它们放入一个新的组件中。
  • 找到下一个遍历的节点并重复该过程。

结果是一组“组件”数据结构(在我的实现中为 std::vector),每个结构都包含一组专门互连的节点。


  • 我们需要将图存储在一个结构中,该结构可以有效地“向下”(从 parent 到 child )和“向上”(从 child 到 parent )遍历并递归地找到所有连接的节点(在两个方向上),在我们进行时将节点标记为“已遍历”。由于节点由连续的整数范围标识,因此我们只需使用随机访问属性 std::vector 即可高效地构建此结构。
  • 边和节点的概念是分开的,所以一个单个“遍历”标志可以存在于节点级别,无论有多少其他节点连接到它(即无论如何有许多 parent 和 child 的边缘)。这使我们能够有效地减少已到达节点的递归。

这是工作代码。请注意,使用了一些 C++11 功能,但如果使用较旧的编译器,它们应该很容易替换。错误处理留给读者作为练习。

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

// A set of inter-connected nodes.
typedef std::vector<unsigned> Component;

// Graph node.
struct Node {
    Node() : Traversed(false) {
    std::vector<unsigned> Children;
    std::vector<unsigned> Parents;
    bool Traversed;

// Recursive portion of the FindGraphComponents implementation.
//   graph: The graph constructed in FindGraphComponents().
//   node_id: The index of the current element of graph.
//   component: Will receive nodes that comprise the current component.
static void FindConnectedNodes(std::vector<Node>& graph, unsigned node_id, Component& component) {

    Node& node = graph[node_id];
    if (!node.Traversed) {

        node.Traversed = true;

        for (auto i = node.Children.begin(); i != node.Children.end(); ++i)
            FindConnectedNodes(graph, *i, component);

        for (auto i = node.Parents.begin(); i != node.Parents.end(); ++i)
            FindConnectedNodes(graph, *i, component);



// Finds self-connected sub-graphs (i.e. "components") on already-prepared graph.
std::vector<Component> FindGraphComponents(std::vector<Node>& graph) {

    std::vector<Component> components;
    for (unsigned node_id = 0; node_id < graph.size(); ++node_id) {
        if (!graph[node_id].Traversed) {
            FindConnectedNodes(graph, node_id, components.back());

    return components;


// Finds self-connected sub-graphs (i.e. "components") on graph that should be read from the input stream.
//   in: The input test case.
std::vector<Component> FindGraphComponents(std::istream& in) {

    unsigned node_count, edge_count;
    std::cin >> node_count >> edge_count;

    // First build the structure that can be traversed recursively in an efficient way.
    std::vector<Node> graph(node_count); // Index in this vector corresponds to node ID.
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < edge_count; ++i) {
        unsigned from, to;
        in >> from >> to;

    return FindGraphComponents(graph);


void main() {

    size_t test_case_count;
    std::cin >> test_case_count;

    for (size_t test_case_i = 1; test_case_i <= test_case_count; ++test_case_i) {

        auto components = FindGraphComponents(std::cin);

        // Sort components by descending size and print them.
            [] (const Component& a, const Component& b) { return a.size() > b.size(); }

        std::cout << "Case " << test_case_i <<  ": " << components.size() << " component (s) connected (s)" << std::endl;
        for (auto components_i = components.begin(); components_i != components.end(); ++components_i) {
            for (auto edge_i = components_i->begin(); edge_i != components_i->end(); ++edge_i)
                std::cout << *edge_i << ' ';
            std::cout << std::endl;
        std::cout << std::endl;




GraphComponents.exe < input.in > output.out

...其中 input.in 包含您问题中描述的格式的数据,它将在 output.out 中产生所需的结果。

关于c++ - DFS : How to indicate the nodes of the connected components in C++,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7925096/


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