java - JNI 返回 Signal 7 函数试图从 C++ 调用 Java

标签 java c++ java-native-interface signals cocos2d-x

我想从 C++ 调用 Java。我尝试调用一个不带参数的返回 bool 值的函数。


 * Check if Internet Connection is ONLINE
bool InterfaceJNI::isInternetConnected()
    JavaVM* jvm = JniHelper::getJavaVM();
    int status;
    JNIEnv *env;
    jmethodID mid;

    bool isAttached = false;
    // jboolean o bool?
    bool returnValue = false;

    CCLog("Static isInternetConnected");

    // Get Status
    status = jvm->GetEnv((void **) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_6);

    if(status < 0)
        //LOGE("callback_handler: failed to get JNI environment, " // "assuming native thread");
        status = jvm->AttachCurrentThread(&env, NULL);
        CCLog("isInternetConnected Status 2: %d", status);
        if(status < 0)
            // LOGE("callback_handler: failed to attach " // "current thread");
            return false;
        isAttached = true;
        CCLog("isInternetConnected Status isAttached: %d", isAttached);

    CCLog("isInternetConnected Status: %d", status);

    jclass mClass = env->FindClass("org/example/SocialNetwork/InternetConnection");

    // Get Static bool isInternetConnection()
    mid = env->GetStaticMethodID(mClass, "isInternetConnection", "()Z");
    if (mid == 0)
        CCLog("isInternetConnected FAIL GET METHOD STATIC");
        return false;
    // Call Static bool isInternetConnection()
    returnValue = env->CallStaticBooleanMethod(mClass, mid);
    CCLog("isInternetConnected Done ");


    // Change for return value
    return returnValue;

还有我的 Java 代码:

public class InternetConnection 
     * Check if is working your hello world from C++
    public static void helloWorld()
        Log.v("InternetConnection", "HELLO WORLD");
     * Check Internet Connection
     * @return true is Online
    public static Boolean isInternetConnection()
        Log.v("InternetConnection", "isInternetConnection Start");

        Context ctx = CCSocialNetwork.getAppContext();
        ConnectivityManager conMgr =  (ConnectivityManager)ctx.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
        NetworkInfo i = conMgr.getActiveNetworkInfo();

        if (i == null)
            Log.v("InternetConnection", "isInternetConnection NULL :S");
            return false;

        if (!i.isConnected())
            Log.v("InternetConnection", "isInternetConnection is not connected");
            return false;

        if (!i.isAvailable())
            Log.v("InternetConnection", "isInternetConnection is not available");
            return false;
        Log.v("InternetConnection", "isInternetConnection DONE!");
        return true;


 Fatal signal 7 (SIGBUS) at 0x00000000 (code=128)



您返回的是一个 boolean 值,它实际上是一个对象。尝试返回 boolean 原始类型。

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