mongodb - 检查数组包含元素 mongodb

标签 mongodb spring-boot aggregation-framework

ArrayList<String> labels = (ArrayList) payload.get("labels");
Aggregation aggregation = newAggregation(
                sort(Sort.Direction.DESC, "meta_data.user_data.time"),
                group(Fields.fields().and("first_name", "$meta_data.user_data.first_name").and("last_name", "$meta_data.user_data.last_name").and("profile_pic", "$meta_data.user_data.profile_pic").and("user_id", "$user_id").and("labels", "$labels").and("access_times","$meta_data.access_times"))

AggregationResults<UsersMongoResult> groupResults = mongoTemplate.aggregate(aggregation, "chatuser_log", UsersMongoResult.class);

在文档标签数组中是这样的labels: ["123", "456"]

当 ArrayList labels = ["123"] 结果匹配时 但当 ArrayList labels = ["123", "789"] 时,它也匹配该文档。



摘自 in-operator 的文档:

If the field holds an array, then the $in operator selects the documents whose field holds an array that contains at least one element that matches a value in the specified array (e.g. , , etc.)

如果要匹配包含所有指定值的数组,则需要 all-operator


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