batch-file - 批处理脚本生成特定年月、周和工作日的文件夹

标签 batch-file



2017 (for example main folder for year 2017)  
01_JAN....12_DEC (subfolders with names of month )  
01JAN/01_01_SUN, 02_01_MON, 03_01_TUE...etc  (subsub folders with week day name at the end)


01JAN/01_01_SUN-52, 02_01_MON-01, 03_01_TUE-01...09_01_MON-02 etc with weekdays starts with monday


附注 我得到的最接近的是我设法找到的这个例子 How do I write a batch script to generate folders for each month, day and year?



编辑:我添加了以下修改: 1-年份是从键盘读取的,而不是从参数中获取的。 2- 在放置批处理文件的同一文件夹中创建年份文件夹。 3-修复了“第53周”中的一个小错误。

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

set /P "year=Enter desired year: "

rem Select the base folder
cd "%~P0"

rem Initialize all variables
set i=0
for %%a in (Jan:31 Feb:28 Mar:31 Apr:30 May:31 Jun:30 Jul:31 Aug:31 Sep:30 Oct:31 Nov:30 Dec:31) do (
   for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%m in ("%%a") do (
      set /A i+=1
      set "month[!i!]=%%m"
      set "dpm[!i!]=%%n"
set /A "dpm[2]+=^!(year%%4), d=((year+4799)*1461/4-(year+4899)/100*3/4+1)%%7*3, rot=^!d+((d-15)>>31)+1, week=101+51*rot"
if %d% equ 3 set "week=100"
set "dow=SunMonTueWedThuFriSat"
set "dow=!dow:~%d%!!dow:~0,%d%!"

rem Create the folders
md %year%
cd %year%
for /L %%m in (1,1,12) do (
   set "m=0%%m"
   set "m=!m:~-2!"
   md !m!_!month[%%m]!
   cd !m!_!month[%%m]!
   for /L %%d in (1,1,!dpm[%%m]!) do (
      set "d=0%%d"
      if "!dow:~0,3!" equ "Mon" set /A week+=1 & if !week!!rot! equ 1531 set "week=101"
      md !d:~-2!_!m!_!dow:~0,3!-!week:~1!
      set "dow=!dow:~3!!dow:~0,3!"
   cd ..

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