assembly - 两个数组的总和,每个数组 n 个字节

标签 assembly emu8086 x86-16


include ''
org 100h

mov CX,n
lea SI,a
mov AL,0

start_sum_a:         ;sum all the n elements of the first array
add AL, [SI] 
inc SI
loop start_sum_a

mov CX,n
lea SI,b 

start_sum_b:        ;sum all the n elements of the 2nd array to 
add AL, [SI]        ;the first sum
inc SI
loop start_sum_b

call print_num      ;print the sum


a db 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,18
b db 0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,19
n dw 10



i'd like to know if it's correct

您的解决方案看起来不错,尽管我有预感“”中定义的函数print_num更希望得到AX寄存器中的数字。因此,最好将 mov AL,0 指令更改为 xor ax,ax,这将清除整个 AX 寄存器,而不仅仅是其低字节 >AL.

what is another way of solving it


    lea  si, a
    lea  di, b
    mov  cx, n
    xor  ax, ax
    add  al, [si]        ;Element of a array
    add  al, [di]        ;Element of b array
    inc  si
    inc  di
    loop start_sum

但是由于这些数组的起始点在内存中相距一定距离 (10),因此有一个仅使用 1 个指针的解决方案:

    lea  si, a
    mov  cx, n
    xor  ax, ax
    add  al, [si]        ;Element of a array
    add  al, [si + 10]   ;Element of b array
    inc  si
    loop start_sum

最后,由于这些数组在内存中相邻,因此循环可以更简单。只需将迭代次数加倍即可(Peter Cordes 的建议之一):

    lea  si, a
    mov  cx, n
    shl  cx, 1           ;Double the counter
    xor  ax, ax
    add  al, [si]        ;Element of a array or b array
    inc  si
    loop start_sum

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