sql - 枢轴函数返回空值

标签 sql sql-server sql-server-2012

我想在第一行中显示所有三行,因此我在查询中使用了数据透视 **附上输出图片** enter image description here

SELECT [Container Number],ReadTimee,Locationn,Trailer FROM             
(SELECT [Container Number],ReadTime,Location FROM #temp )as Tab1            
MAX(ReadTime) FOR Location IN (Trailer,ReadTimee,Locationn)) AS Tab2  

但是使用上面的查询返回 null .输出图片如下所示 enter image description here


ReadTime                Location    Trailer Container Number           ReadTime                 Location    Trailer Container Number              ReadTime                  Location   Trailer  Container Number
2019-02-27 03:17:21.033 CUSTOM         1    ZIMU1374787,TRHU3437713   2019-02-27 06:10:35.470          ZERO        1    ZIMU1374787,TRHU3437713 2019-02-27 07:30:47.407             CFS            1    ZIMU1374787,TRHU3437713



SELECT Trailer, [Container Number], [CUSTOM] = MAX(CASE WHEN Location = 'CUSTOM' THEN ReadTime ELSE NULL END),
    [ZERO] = MAX(CASE WHEN Location = 'ZERO' THEN ReadTime ELSE NULL END),
    [CFS] = MAX(CASE WHEN Location = 'CFS' THEN ReadTime ELSE NULL END)
FROM @tmp 
GROUP BY Trailer, [Container Number]


Trailer Container Number        CUSTOM                  ZERO                    CFS
1       ZIMU1374787,TRHU3437713 2019-02-27 03:17:21.033 2019-02-27 06:10:35.470 2019-02-27 07:30:47.407

关于sql - 枢轴函数返回空值,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54922132/


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