angular - 在 mat-select Angular 中设置文本

标签 angular angular-material

我有一个像这样的 mat-select 字段:

    <mat-select (click)="onSelectOpen()" placeholder="Store" (selectionChange)="setStoreTitle($event)" title="Store" formControlName="store" id="store" name="store">
        <mat-option *ngFor="let store of stores" [value]="store.Title">
            <span class="store-address">{{store.Address}}</span>



从您的问题来看,这不是很清楚,但从您的评论来看,您似乎正在寻找的是在 mat-option 中设置可用的 span 标签> 但一旦选择它就不应该出现。您要找的是MatSelectTrigger 。根据文档

MatSelectTrigger allows the user to customize the trigger that is displayed when the select has a value.

因此您需要做的就是在 mat-select-trigger 中显示 formControl

    <mat-select (click)="onSelectOpen()" placeholder="Store" (selectionChange)="setStoreTitle($event)" title="Store" formControlName="store" id="store" name="store">
            {{form.get('store').value}} <!-- where form is the name of your FormGroup -->
        <mat-option *ngFor="let store of stores" [value]="store.Title">
            <span class="store-address">{{store.Address}}</span>

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