r - 如何改变图例的位置

标签 r plotly r-plotly


 f <- list(
   family = "Courier New, monospace",
   size = 18,
   color = "#7f7f7f"
 x <- list(
   title = "Age of Buildings",
   titlefont = f,
   zeroline = FALSE,
   showline = FALSE,
   showticklabels = TRUE,
   showgrid = TRUE
  y <- list(
    title = "Total Violations",
    titlefont = f,
    zeroline = FALSE,
    showline = FALSE,
    showticklabels = TRUE,
    showgrid = TRUE
fig2 <- plot_ly(final, x=~agebuilding, y=~violationstotal, mode= "markers", color = ~INdexrehabless6, size = ~totalvalue)
fig2 <- fig2 %>% layout(xaxis = x, yaxis = y, legend=list(title=list(text='<b> Housing Conditions </b>'))) #chaging name legend

这是我得到的 plotly

enter image description here



  • 默认定位对应于

    布局(图例 = list(方向 = "v", y = 1, x = 1))


  • 将其放在 y 方向底部使用

    布局(图例 = list(方向 = "v", y = 0, x = 1))

  • 使其在y 方向居中使用

    布局(图例 = list(方向 = "v", y = .5, x = 1))


  • 默认定位是

    布局(图例 = list(方向 = "h", y = -.1, x = 0))


  • 将其放在 y 方向顶部使用

    布局(图例 = list(方向 = "v", y = 1.1, x = 0))

关于r - 如何改变图例的位置,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61236977/


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