amazon-ec2 - 从 terraform 中的变量在 aws_autoscaling_policy 中设置 step_ adjustment

标签 amazon-ec2 terraform terraform-provider-aws

我正在设置一个模块来配置 terraform 中 ASG 的自动缩放。理想情况下,我想将 map 列表传递到我的模块并让它循环遍历它们,为列表中的每个 map 添加一个step_adjustment到策略中,但这似乎不起作用。


  name = "Example Auto-Scale Up Policy"
  policy_type = "StepScaling"
  autoscaling_group_name = "${}"
  adjustment_type = "PercentChangeInCapacity"
  estimated_instance_warmup = 300
  step_adjustment {
    scaling_adjustment          = 20
    metric_interval_lower_bound = 0
    metric_interval_upper_bound = 5
  step_adjustment {
    scaling_adjustment          = 25
    metric_interval_lower_bound = 5
    metric_interval_upper_bound = 15
  step_adjustment {
    scaling_adjustment          = 50
    metric_interval_lower_bound = 15
  min_adjustment_magnitude  = 4

我只想将三个 step_ adjustmentments 作为变量提供到我的模块中。



variable "step_adjustments" {
    type        = list(object({ metric_interval_lower_bound = string, metric_interval_upper_bound = string, scaling_adjustment = string }))
    default     = []

# inside your resource
resource "aws_appautoscaling_policy" "scale_up" {
  name = "Example Auto-Scale Up Policy"
  policy_type = "StepScaling"
  autoscaling_group_name = "${}"
  adjustment_type = "PercentChangeInCapacity"
  estimated_instance_warmup = 300 
  dynamic "step_adjustment" {
    for_each = var.step_adjustments
    content {
      metric_interval_lower_bound = lookup(step_adjustment.value, "metric_interval_lower_bound")
      metric_interval_upper_bound = lookup(step_adjustment.value, "metric_interval_upper_bound")
      scaling_adjustment          = lookup(step_adjustment.value, "scaling_adjustment")

# example input into your module
step_adjustments = [
  scaling_adjustment          = 2
  metric_interval_lower_bound = 0
  metric_interval_upper_bound = 5
  scaling_adjustment          = 1
  metric_interval_lower_bound = 5
  metric_interval_upper_bound = "" # indicates infinity

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