python - 如何在Python中查找向量(一维数组、列表)中的步骤?

标签 python list vector

我想使用 python 获取列表中数据的边框 例如我有这个列表:

a = [1,1,1,1,4,4,4,6,6,6,6,6,1,1,1]


a = [1,1,1,1,4,4,4,6,6,6,6,6,1,1,1]
     ^       ^     ^         ^
b = get_border_index(a)



如何实现 get_border_index(lst: list) -> list 函数?


也适用于非常长的列表或数组的可扩展答案是使用 np.diff 。在这种情况下,您应该不惜一切代价避免 for 循环。

import numpy as np

a = [1,1,1,1,4,4,4,6,6,6,6,6,1,1,1]

a = np.array(a)

# this is unequal 0 if there is a step
d = np.diff(a)

# boolean array where the steps are
is_step = d != 0

# get the indices of the steps (first one is trivial).
ics = np.where(is_step)

# get the first dimension and shift by one as you want
# the index of the element right of the step
ics_shift = ics[0] + 1

# and if you need a list
ics_list = ics_shift.tolist()


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