pipeline - 如何将流程输出发送到 Nextflow 中的多个 channel ?

标签 pipeline nextflow

我正在实现一个 Nextflow 工作流程,其中每个流程都可以提供不同流程下游可能需要的多个输出。

process multiple_outputs {
   tuple id, input from previous_process

   tuple id, input_for_a, input_for_b, input_for_a_b into downstream

Nextflow 文档指出 operator into can use multiple channelspromotes channel duplication as a pattern .

但是这些选项似乎都不适用于 the process primitivemultiple channel output is not documented :

  • 模式found on this answer (语法错误):

    tuple id, input_for_a, input_for_b, input_for_a_b into { downstream_a; downstream_b }
    // nor these variants:
    // `into { downstream_a, downstream_b }`
    // `into downstream_a, downstream_b`
    // `into tuple a, b`
  • 将输出重复到重复的 channel (一个 channel 为空):

    tuple id, input_for_a, input_for_a_b into downstream_a
    tuple id, input_for_b, input_for_a_b into downstream_b
    // runs, but cannot find the file in one of the channels

在多个 channel 中使用输出的正确方法是什么?



tuple id, input_for_a, input_for_b, input_for_a_b into(downstream_a, downstream_b)

或者,您可能需要考虑使用不再有单 channel 使用要求的 DLS2。了解更多相关信息here .

关于pipeline - 如何将流程输出发送到 Nextflow 中的多个 channel ?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62706742/


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