R数据.表: replace missing values by group by value depending on number of missing values in group

标签 r data.table

我想替换每个组的 data.table 中的缺失值,并根据组中的所有值是否缺失或仅缺失部分值来填充值。


我很固执,我更喜欢 data.table 解决方案:)




dt = data.table(
  grouping_1 = sort(rep(c('a', 'b', 'c'), 4)),
  grouping_2 = c(1,1,2,2,1,1,2,2,1,1,2,2),
  value_1 = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 1, 2, NA, 3, 2,4,NA),
  value_2 = c(NA, 2, NA, NA, 2, 5, 2, 7, 10, 5,NA, NA)


    grouping_1 grouping_2 value_1 value_2
 1:          a          1      NA      NA
 2:          a          1      NA       2
 3:          a          2      NA      NA
 4:          a          2      NA      NA
 5:          b          1      NA       2
 6:          b          1       1       5
 7:          b          2       2       2
 8:          b          2      NA       7
 9:          c          1       3      10
10:          c          1       2       5
11:          c          2       4      NA
12:          c          2      NA      NA


我想按 grouping_1grouping_2 列进行分组,并替换 value_1value_2 列中缺失的值>.

如果给定组没有非缺失值(例如组 grrouping_1==a & grouping_2==1),我想用值 9000 替换该组的所有 NA。

如果给定组中有一些非缺失值,我想用 800 替换缺失值 if grouping_2==1 并替换为 -800(负 800)if grouping_2= =2。如果该值没有丢失,我不想更改它。



filler_so = function(
  data, # the dataset that we will be changing
  column, # the column we will be filling in
  placeholder_col ='drop_at_the_end', # some temporary column that will disappear in the end
  missing_fully = 9000, # value to fill in when all values in group missing
  missing_partially_g2_1 = 800, # value to fill when grouping_2 = 1
  missing_partially_g2_2 = -800, # value to fill when grouping_2 = 2
  g2_col = 'grouping_2', # name of column corresponding to grouping_2 from my example
  group_cols = c('grouping_1', 'grouping_2') # names of columns to group by
  # identify for given column whether all values in group are missing,
  # or only some are misisng. The value will be either Infinity (all missig),
  # or a real number (none or some missing).
  # this info is put in a placeholder column
  data[, (placeholder_col) := min(get(column), na.rm = T), by = group_cols]
  # if value on a given row is missing, but not all missing in group,
  # then fill in the values based on what group is in 2nd grouping column
    is.na(get(column)) & (get(placeholder_col) != Inf),
    (placeholder_col) := (get(g2_col) == 2) * missing_partially_g2_2 +
      (get(g2_col) ==1) * missing_partially_g2_1]
  # if all values in group are missing, fill in the "missing_fully" value
  data[get(placeholder_col) == Inf, (placeholder_col) := missing_fully]
  # put into placeholder column the values that were originally not missing
  data[!is.na(get(column)), (placeholder_col) := get(column)]
  # drop the original column
  data[, (column):=NULL]
  # rename the placeholder column to the name of original column
  setnames(data, placeholder_col, column)
  # if i don't put this here,
  # then sometimes the function doesn't return results properly.
  # i have no clue why.


cols_to_fill = colnames(dt)[grep('^value', colnames(dt))]


lapply(cols_to_fill, function(x) filler_so(dt, x))


> dt
    grouping_1 grouping_2 value_1 value_2
 1:          a          1    9000     800
 2:          a          1    9000       2
 3:          a          2    9000    9000
 4:          a          2    9000    9000
 5:          b          1     800       2
 6:          b          1       1       5
 7:          b          2       2       2
 8:          b          2    -800       7
 9:          c          1       3      10
10:          c          1       2       5
11:          c          2       4    9000
12:          c          2    -800    9000


  1. 我的函数可以工作,但相当冗长,我希望我可以将代码变成更少的行
  2. 该函数如果不是很灵活 - 最好传递一个命名向量之类的东西来指定替换逻辑和基于 grouping_2 填充的值
  3. 我正在寻求速度和内存的提升。 (例如,可能有更快的方法来识别缺少所有值的组,然后运行 ​​`min(..., na.rm = TRUE) ,然后检查它何时为无穷大。
  4. lapply 打印出我正在填写的每一列的更改后的 data.table,这会给控制台带来很多垃圾信息。
  5. 即使4处的问题得到解决,我想知道是否有一种方法可以使用dt[..., (some_column_names) := lapply(. SD, ...), .SDcols = cols_to_fill]
  6. 我愿意接受任何我没有想到的其他改进。



replace_NA <- function(v,grouping_2) {
  na_v = is.na(v)
  if (sum(na_v) == length(v)) {
  } else {
    v[na_v] <- ifelse(grouping_2 == 1, 800,-800)
dt[, c("v1_new","v2new") :=.( replace_NA(value_1,grouping_2),

关于R数据.表: replace missing values by group by value depending on number of missing values in group,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63070408/


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