c++ - 定期重绘 QQuickItem

标签 c++ qt qml

我通过扩展 QQuickItem 并覆盖 updatePaintNode() 函数创建了一个自定义 QML 元素。

因为我需要沿着实时增长的时间轴绘制矩形,所以我需要为每个新帧重新绘制 GUI。

有没有办法让 updatePaintNode() 函数为每个新帧定期执行?

我试过调用 node->markDirty(QSGNode::DirtyForceUpdate),但没有导致定期调用 updatePaintNode() 函数。


QSGNode *PianoRoll::updatePaintNode(QSGNode *n, QQuickItem::UpdatePaintNodeData *data)
    QSGGeometryNode *node = static_cast<QSGGeometryNode *>(n);
    if (!node)
        node = new QSGSimpleRectNode(boundingRect(), Qt::white);


    qreal msPerScreen = 10000;
    qreal pitchesPerScreen = 128;
    qreal x_factor = (qreal) boundingRect().width() / msPerScreen;
    qreal y_factor = (qreal) boundingRect().height() / pitchesPerScreen;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_stream->notes.size(); i++)
        shared_ptr<Note> note = m_stream->notes.at(i);
        qreal left = boundingRect().left() + note->getTime() * x_factor;
        qreal top = boundingRect().top() + note->getPitch() * y_factor;
        qreal width;
        qreal height = y_factor;

        if (note->getDuration() != 0)
            width = note->getDuration() * x_factor;
            // TODO
            width = 500 * x_factor;


        QRectF noteRectangle = QRectF(left, top, width, height);
        node->appendChildNode(new QSGSimpleRectNode(noteRectangle, Qt::black));
    return node;



The function is called as a result of QQuickItem::update(), if the user has set the QQuickItem::ItemHasContents flag on the item.

您需要做两件事:定期调用 update() 并设置标志。仅此而已。

如果您需要 update() 的报价来源,您需要 QQuickWindow::frameSwapped() 或类似的信号。这会在每一帧发出,并且恰好是每一帧。所以,这会起作用:

QSGNode * myNode = ...;

QObject::connect(window, &QQuickWindow::frameSwapped, [=](){ myNode->update(); });

关于c++ - 定期重绘 QQuickItem,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19455518/


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