prolog - 如何重复积累(永远)

标签 prolog infinite-loop

在硬件设备的命令和控制上下文中,我需要一个无限循环“获取-详细-发布”并记住当前状态,以观察 bool 值等输入的演变这“成为”真实。


我期望出现类似“变量 Previous 已绑定(bind)”之类的错误消息,但事实并非如此,回溯是为了解决约束(很多次!)。


init( Previous, AtStart ) :-
    get_time( AtStart ),
    Previous is 0.

run( AtStart, Previous ) :- % I want this to be executed only once for each period!
    get_time( Now ),
    Elapsed is Now - AtStart,
    Current is Previous + random( 20 ),
    format( "~w: Previous = ~w~n", [Elapsed, Previous] ),
    format( "~w: Current  = ~w~n", [Elapsed, Current ] ),
    Previous is Current.

periodicTask :-
    init( Previous, AtStart ),
        run( AtStart, Previous ),
        sleep( 1.0 ).



?- periodicTask.
?- periodicTask.
0.0231266: Previous = 0
0.0231266: Current  = 10
0.243902: Previous = 0
0.243902: Current  = 16
............................ A lot of lines
0.934601: Previous = 0
0.934601: Current  = 0
true ;
2693.8: Previous = 0
2693.8: Current  = 19
............................ A lot of lines
2694.65: Previous = 0
2694.65: Current  = 0
 true ;
3694.98: Previous = 0
3694.98: Current  = 2
............................ A lot of lines
3695.17: Previous = 0
3695.17: Current  = 0
 true ;
4695.47: Previous = 0
4695.47: Current  = 10
............................ A lot of lines
4695.55: Previous = 0
4695.55: Current  = 0
  1. 为什么?

  2. 如何编写无限循环代码来重置(解除绑定(bind))一些变量并保留全局上下文?



这是一个用尾递归调用编写的简单循环,它将激活 T 时的“状态”传输到激活 T+1 时的“状态”,这很自然(正如哥德尔在每个人都开始使用之前的意图) forwhile):

periodicTask :-

stopCriteriumFulfilled :- fail. % TO BE DONE

run(AtStart,Previous) :-
    !,                       % Possibly optional: drop open chociepoints in infinite loop                       
    Elapsed is Now - AtStart,
    Current is Previous + random( 20 ),
    format( "~w: Previous = ~w~n", [Elapsed, Previous] ),
    format( "~w: Current  = ~w~n", [Elapsed, Current ] ),
    % Now call yourself with a new context in which the 
    % variable "Current" ("here", in this activation)
    % becomes the variable "Previous" ("there", in the next activation)
    % But first sleep a bit (N.B. numbers are numbers, one can use 1 
    % instead of 1.0)
    % One may want to add a stop criterium here to succeed the predicate
    % instead of performing the tail-recursive call unconditionally.
     -> true
      ; (sleep(1),
         run(AtStart,Current))). % RECURSIVE TAIL CALL
:- periodicTask.


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