least-squares - CVXPY 在二次规划优化问题上返回不可行/不准确

标签 least-squares cvxpy convex-optimization quadratic-programming quadprog

我正在尝试使用 CVXPY 来解决非负最小二乘问题(附加约束是解向量中的条目之和必须等于 1)。然而,当我使用 SCS 求解器在这个简单的二次程序上运行 CVXPY 时,我让求解器运行最多 100000 次迭代,最后遇到一个错误,指出二次程序不可行/不准确。然而,我非常有信心二次规划的数学设置是正确的(这样问题的约束不应该是不可行的)。此外,当我在较小的 A 矩阵和较小的 b 向量(只有前几行)上运行此程序时,求解器运行良好。这是我的代码和当前错误输出的快照:

x = cp.Variable(61)
prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cp.sum_squares(A @ x - b)), [x >= 0, cp.sum(x) == 1])
print('The problem is QP: ', prob.is_qp())
result = prob.solve(solver = cp.SCS, verbose = True, max_iters = 100000)
print("status: ", prob.status)
print("optimal value: ", prob.value)
print("cvxpy solution:")
print(x.value, np.sum(np.array(x)))


The problem is QP:  True
    SCS v2.1.1 - Splitting Conic Solver
    (c) Brendan O'Donoghue, Stanford University, 2012
Lin-sys: sparse-direct, nnz in A = 2446306
eps = 1.00e-04, alpha = 1.50, max_iters = 100000, normalize = 1, scale = 1.00
acceleration_lookback = 10, rho_x = 1.00e-03
Variables n = 62, constraints m = 278545
Cones:  primal zero / dual free vars: 1
    linear vars: 61
    soc vars: 278483, soc blks: 1
Setup time: 1.96e+00s
 Iter | pri res | dua res | rel gap | pri obj | dua obj | kap/tau | time (s)
     0| 5.73e+18  1.10e+20  1.00e+00 -4.09e+22  1.55e+26  1.54e+26  1.47e-01 
   100| 8.00e+16  9.05e+18  1.79e-01  1.60e+25  2.29e+25  7.01e+24  8.82e+00 
   200| 6.83e+16  6.25e+17  8.10e-02  1.66e+25  1.95e+25  2.93e+24  1.81e+01 
   300| 6.62e+16  1.42e+18  1.00e-01  1.60e+25  1.96e+25  3.56e+24  2.61e+01 
   400| 9.49e+16  3.76e+18  1.98e-01  1.64e+25  2.45e+25  8.07e+24  3.39e+01 
   500| 6.24e+16  1.69e+19  3.12e-03  1.74e+25  1.75e+25  9.06e+22  4.20e+01 
   600| 8.47e+16  5.06e+18  1.42e-01  1.65e+25  2.20e+25  5.47e+24  5.04e+01 
   700| 8.57e+16  4.41e+18  1.55e-01  1.64e+25  2.25e+25  6.04e+24  5.79e+01 
   800| 6.03e+16  1.60e+18  1.30e-02  1.72e+25  1.77e+25  4.50e+23  6.51e+01 
   900| 7.35e+17  2.84e+20  3.21e-01  1.56e+25  3.04e+25  1.46e+25  7.21e+01 
  1000| 9.11e+16  1.38e+19  1.40e-01  1.68e+25  2.23e+25  5.46e+24  7.92e+01 
.........many more iterations in between omitted........
99500| 2.34e+15  1.56e+17  1.61e-01  3.30e+24  4.57e+24  1.27e+24  5.32e+03 
 99600| 1.46e+18  1.10e+21  9.12e-01  2.56e+24  5.55e+25  5.26e+25  5.33e+03 
 99700| 1.94e+15  1.41e+16  8.97e-02  3.40e+24  4.07e+24  6.71e+23  5.34e+03 
 99800| 3.31e+17  6.68e+20  5.62e-01  2.71e+24  9.67e+24  6.91e+24  5.35e+03 
 99900| 2.51e+15  9.96e+17  1.03e-01  3.41e+24  4.19e+24  7.81e+23  5.35e+03 
100000| 2.21e+15  3.79e+17  1.40e-01  3.29e+24  4.37e+24  1.07e+24  5.36e+03 
Status: Infeasible/Inaccurate
Hit max_iters, solution may be inaccurate
Timing: Solve time: 5.36e+03s
    Lin-sys: nnz in L factor: 2726743, avg solve time: 1.60e-02s
    Cones: avg projection time: 7.99e-04s
    Acceleration: avg step time: 2.72e-02s
Certificate of primal infeasibility:
dist(y, K*) = 0.0000e+00
|A'y|_2 * |b|_2 = 2.5778e-01
b'y = -1.0000
status:  infeasible_inaccurate
optimal value:  None
cvxpy solution:
None var59256

有谁知道为什么:(1) CVXPY 可能无法解决我的问题?这只是需要更多求解器迭代的问题吗?如果有的话,有多少? (2) 列名“pri res”、“dua res”、“rel gap”等的含义是什么?我试图按照这些列中的值来了解求解过程中发生的情况。

此外,对于那些想要了解我正在使用的数据集的人,here是一个 CSV 文件,其中包含我的 A 矩阵(尺寸 278481x61)和 here是一个 CSV 文件,其中包含我的 b 向量(尺寸 278481x1)。提前致谢!





  • 问题设置很懒:您可以添加导入和 csv 读取,而不是让我们复制它......
    • 由于不同的解析,现在可以轻松地对不同的数据进行实验...


  • 这看起来像是以下内容的组合:
    • 通用数学优化求解器
    • 机器学习规模数据
  • = 经常达到极限!


  • SCS 基于一阶,预计与 ECOS 或其他高阶方法相比稳健性较低



  • 求解器:SCS(默认选项)
    • 根据残差的进度失败/造成严重破坏(可能是由于没有数字问题)
      • 我这边看起来更疯狂
  • 求解器:ECOS(默认选项)
    • 失败(由于数值问题,最初不可行)


  • 仅通过增加迭代限制无法解决这些数值问题
    • 对可行性容差和 co 进行更复杂的调整。会需要的!




这是由 this 插入的:

One particular reformulation that we strongly encourage is to eliminate quadratic forms—that is, functions like sum_square, sum(square(.)) or quad_form—whenever it is possible to construct equivalent models using norm instead. Our experience tells us that quadratic forms often pose a numerical challenge for the underlying solvers that CVX uses.

We acknowledge that this advice goes against conventional wisdom: quadratic forms are the prototypical smooth convex function, while norms are nonsmooth and therefore unwieldy. But with the conic solvers that CVX uses, this wisdom is exactly backwards. It is the norm that is best suited for conic formulation and solution. Quadratic forms are handled by converting them to a conic form—using norms, in fact! This conversion process poses some interesting scaling challenges. It is better if the modeler can eliminate the need to perform this conversion.


import pandas as pd
import cvxpy as cp
import numpy as np

A = pd.read_csv('A_matrix.csv').to_numpy()
b = pd.read_csv('b_vector.csv').to_numpy().ravel()

x = cp.Variable(61)
prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cp.norm(A @ x - b)), [x >= 0, cp.sum(x) == 1])
result = prob.solve(solver = cp.SCS, verbose = True)

print("optimal value: ", prob.value)
print("cvxpy solution:")
print(x.value, np.sum(x.value))


有效的求解器状态 + 缓慢 + 解看起来不够稳健 -> 对称地在 0 附近波动 -> 关于 x=>0 的原始 Feas 误差较大


        SCS v2.1.2 - Splitting Conic Solver
        (c) Brendan O'Donoghue, Stanford University, 2012
Lin-sys: sparse-direct, nnz in A = 2446295
eps = 1.00e-04, alpha = 1.50, max_iters = 5000, normalize = 1, scale = 1.00
acceleration_lookback = 10, rho_x = 1.00e-03
Variables n = 62, constraints m = 278543
Cones:  primal zero / dual free vars: 1
        linear vars: 61
        soc vars: 278481, soc blks: 1
Setup time: 1.63e+00s
Iter | pri res | dua res | rel gap | pri obj | dua obj | kap/tau | time (s)
    0| 9.14e+18  1.39e+20  1.00e+00 -5.16e+20  6.20e+23  6.04e+23  1.28e-01
  100| 8.63e-01  1.90e+02  7.79e-01  5.96e+02  4.81e+03  1.17e-14  1.04e+01
  200| 5.09e-02  3.50e+02  1.00e+00  6.20e+03 -1.16e+02  5.88e-15  2.08e+01
  300| 3.00e-01  3.71e+03  7.64e-01  9.62e+03  7.19e+04  4.05e-15  3.17e+01
  400| 5.19e-02  1.76e+02  1.91e-01  4.71e+03  6.94e+03  3.87e-15  4.25e+01
  500| 4.60e-02  2.66e+02  2.83e-01  5.70e+03  1.02e+04  6.48e-15  5.25e+01
  600| 5.13e-03  1.08e+02  1.24e-01  5.80e+03  7.44e+03  1.72e-14  6.23e+01
  700| 3.35e-03  6.81e+01  9.64e-02  5.39e+03  4.44e+03  5.94e-15  7.15e+01
  800| 1.62e-02  8.52e+01  1.17e-01  5.51e+03  6.97e+03  3.96e-15  8.07e+01
  900| 1.93e-02  1.57e+01  1.89e-02  5.58e+03  5.38e+03  5.04e-15  8.98e+01
  1000| 6.94e-03  6.85e+00  7.97e-03  5.57e+03  5.48e+03  1.75e-15  9.91e+01
  1100| 4.64e-03  7.64e+00  1.42e-02  5.66e+03  5.50e+03  1.91e-15  1.09e+02
  1200| 2.25e-04  3.25e-01  4.00e-04  5.61e+03  5.60e+03  5.33e-15  1.18e+02
  1300| 4.73e-05  9.05e-02  5.78e-05  5.60e+03  5.60e+03  6.16e-15  1.28e+02
  1400| 6.27e-07  4.58e-03  3.22e-06  5.60e+03  5.60e+03  7.17e-15  1.36e+02
  1500| 2.02e-07  5.27e-05  4.58e-08  5.60e+03  5.60e+03  5.61e-15  1.46e+02
Status: Solved
Timing: Solve time: 1.46e+02s
        Lin-sys: nnz in L factor: 2726730, avg solve time: 2.54e-02s
        Cones: avg projection time: 1.16e-03s
        Acceleration: avg step time: 5.61e-02s
Error metrics:
dist(s, K) = 7.7307e-12, dist(y, K*) = 0.0000e+00, s'y/|s||y| = 3.0820e-18
primal res: |Ax + s - b|_2 / (1 + |b|_2) = 2.0159e-07
dual res:   |A'y + c|_2 / (1 + |c|_2) = 5.2702e-05
rel gap:    |c'x + b'y| / (1 + |c'x| + |b'y|) = 4.5764e-08
c'x = 5602.9367, -b'y = 5602.9362
optimal value:  5602.936687635506
cvxpy solution:
[ 1.33143619e-06 -5.20173272e-07 -5.63980428e-08 -9.44340768e-08
  6.07765135e-07  7.55998810e-07  8.45038786e-07  2.65626921e-06
-1.35669263e-07 -4.88286704e-07 -1.09285233e-06  8.63799377e-07
  2.85145903e-07 -1.22240651e-06  2.14526505e-07 -2.40179173e-06
-1.75042884e-07 -1.27680170e-06 -1.40486649e-06 -1.12113037e-06
-2.26601198e-07  1.39878723e-07 -3.19396803e-06 -6.36480154e-07
  2.16005860e-05  1.18205616e-06  2.15620316e-06 -1.94093348e-07
-1.88356275e-06 -7.07687270e-06 -1.99902966e-06 -2.28894738e-06
  1.00000188e+00 -9.95601469e-07 -1.26333877e-06  1.26336565e-06
-5.31474195e-08 -9.81111443e-07  2.22755569e-07 -7.49418940e-07
-4.77882668e-07  6.89785690e-07 -2.46822613e-06 -5.73596077e-08
  5.99307819e-07 -2.57301316e-07 -7.59150986e-07 -1.23753681e-08
-1.39938273e-06  1.48526305e-06 -2.41075790e-06 -3.50224485e-07
  1.79214177e-08  6.71852182e-07 -5.10880844e-06  2.44821668e-07
-2.88655782e-06 -2.45457029e-07 -4.97712502e-07 -1.44497848e-06
-2.22294748e-07] 0.9999895863519757



ECOS 2.0.7 - (C) embotech GmbH, Zurich Switzerland, 2012-15. Web: www.embotech.com/ECOS

It     pcost       dcost      gap   pres   dres    k/t    mu     step   sigma     IR    |   BT
0  +0.000e+00  -0.000e+00  +7e+04  9e-01  1e-04  1e+00  1e+03    ---    ---    1  2  - |  -  -
1  -5.108e+01  -4.292e+01  +7e+04  6e-01  1e-04  9e+00  1e+03  0.0218  3e-01   4  5  4 |  0  0
2  +2.187e+02  +2.387e+02  +5e+04  6e-01  8e-05  2e+01  8e+02  0.3427  4e-02   4  5  5 |  0  0
3  +1.109e+03  +1.118e+03  +1e+04  3e-01  2e-05  9e+00  2e+02  0.7403  6e-03   4  5  5 |  0  0
4  +1.873e+03  +1.888e+03  +1e+04  2e-01  2e-05  1e+01  2e+02  0.2332  1e-01   5  6  6 |  0  0
5  +3.534e+03  +3.565e+03  +4e+03  8e-02  8e-06  3e+01  7e+01  0.7060  2e-01   5  6  6 |  0  0
6  +5.452e+03  +5.453e+03  +2e+02  2e-03  2e-07  1e+00  3e+00  0.9752  2e-03   6  8  8 |  0  0
7  +5.584e+03  +5.585e+03  +4e+01  4e-04  4e-08  4e-01  7e-01  0.8069  6e-02   2  2  2 |  0  0
8  +5.602e+03  +5.602e+03  +5e+00  5e-05  6e-09  8e-02  9e-02  0.9250  5e-02   2  2  2 |  0  0
9  +5.603e+03  +5.603e+03  +1e-01  1e-06  1e-10  2e-03  2e-03  0.9798  2e-03   5  5  5 |  0  0
10  +5.603e+03  +5.603e+03  +6e-03  4e-07  6e-12  9e-05  1e-04  0.9498  3e-04   5  5  5 |  0  0
11  +5.603e+03  +5.603e+03  +4e-04  4e-07  3e-13  7e-06  6e-06  0.9890  4e-02   1  2  2 |  0  0
12  +5.603e+03  +5.603e+03  +1e-05  4e-08  8e-15  2e-07  2e-07  0.9816  8e-03   1  2  2 |  0  0
13  +5.603e+03  +5.603e+03  +2e-07  7e-10  1e-16  2e-09  2e-09  0.9890  1e-04   5  3  4 |  0  0

OPTIMAL (within feastol=7.0e-10, reltol=2.7e-11, abstol=1.5e-07).
Runtime: 18.727676 seconds.

optimal value:  5602.936884707248
cvxpy solution:
[7.47985848e-11 3.58238148e-11 4.53994101e-11 3.73056632e-11
3.47224797e-11 3.62895261e-11 3.59367993e-11 4.03642466e-11
3.58643375e-11 3.24886989e-11 3.25080912e-11 3.34866983e-11
3.66296670e-11 3.89612422e-11 3.54489152e-11 7.07301971e-11
3.95949165e-11 3.68235605e-11 3.05918372e-11 3.43890675e-11
3.71817538e-11 3.62561876e-11 3.55281653e-11 3.55800928e-11
4.10876077e-11 4.12877804e-11 4.11174782e-11 3.35519296e-11
3.43716575e-11 3.56588133e-11 3.66118962e-11 3.68789703e-11
9.99999998e-01 3.34857869e-11 3.21984616e-11 5.82577263e-11
2.85751155e-11 3.64710243e-11 3.59930485e-11 5.04742702e-11
3.07026084e-11 3.36507487e-11 4.19786324e-11 8.35032700e-11
3.33575857e-11 3.42732986e-11 3.70599423e-11 4.73856413e-11
3.39708564e-11 3.64354428e-11 2.95022064e-11 3.46315519e-11
3.04124702e-11 4.07870093e-11 3.57782184e-11 3.71824186e-11
3.72394185e-11 4.48194963e-11 4.09635820e-11 6.45638394e-11
4.00297122e-11] 0.9999999999673748



  • 上述重新表述可能足以帮助您解决问题
  • ECOS 在这个大规模问题上击败 SCS 是不直观的,但总是可能发生,我不会分析它(SCS 仍然是一个很好的解决方案,但 ECOS 也是一个很好的解决方案,尽管两者非常不同方法!开源社区应该很高兴拥有这些!)
  • 如果我有时间实现更多定制的东西,我认为我不会选择这些具有 ML 规模数据的求解器
    • 这里想到的大规模求解的最简单方法:
      • 投影(加速)梯度(这将是一阶方法,对于您的约束而言非常稳健!)
        • “投影到概率单纯形”(您需要的)是一个常见的(经过充分研究的)事情
  • 从最终权重/系数来看:数据看起来很奇怪!
    • 似乎有一个非常主导的专栏(信息泄露);我不知道
    • 舍入,两个求解器都会输出解向量:[0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]

关于least-squares - CVXPY 在二次规划优化问题上返回不可行/不准确,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65526377/


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