Python 函数 - 循环字典并更新值

标签 python python-3.x function loops dictionary


我在下面发布了我的代码,基本上,用户在不同的 channel 播放的输入框中输入一个数字,并且该函数应该更新字典以包含用户输入的值。


我只学习了 3 周的 Python 教程,但我不太确定我在这里做错了什么。


def lane_input():

lanes_played = {"Top":0, "Middle":0, "Jungle":0, "Support":0, "ADC":0}

top_played = input("insert the number of times top played")
top_played = int(top_played) 

mid_played = input("insert the number of times Middle played")
mid_played = int(mid_played)

Jungle_played = input("insert the number of times Jungle played")
Jungle_played = int(Jungle_played)

Support_played = input("insert the number of times Support played")
Support_played = int(Support_played)

ADC_played = input("insert the number of times ADC played")
ADC_played = int(ADC_played)

for p, n in lanes_played.items():
    if p == 'Top': 
        lanes_played[p] = top_played
    if p == 'Middle': 
        lanes_played[p] = mid_played
    if p == 'Jungle': 
        lanes_played[p] = Jungle_played
    if p == 'Support': 
        lanes_played[p] = Support_played
    if p == 'ADC': 
        lanes_played[p] = ADC_played

enter code here`enter code here`total = lane_input()
enter code here`print(total)


insert the number of times top played1
insert the number of times Middle played2
insert the number of times Jungle played3
insert the number of times Support played4
insert the number of times ADC played5

{'Top': 1, 'Middle': 0, 'Jungle': 0, 'Support': 0, 'ADC': 0}


这是因为代码中的缩进错误。 return 关键字在 for 循环的第一次迭代中被命中,这会使您的函数停止。

这是有效的,因为 return 发生在整个 for 循环之后:

def lane_input():

        lanes_played = {"Top":0, "Middle":0, "Jungle":0, "Support":0, "ADC":0}

        top_played = input("insert the number of times top played")
        top_played = int(top_played) 

        mid_played = input("insert the number of times Middle played")
        mid_played = int(mid_played)

        Jungle_played = input("insert the number of times Jungle played")
        Jungle_played = int(Jungle_played)

        Support_played = input("insert the number of times Support played")
        Support_played = int(Support_played)

        ADC_played = input("insert the number of times ADC played")
        ADC_played = int(ADC_played)

        for p, n in lanes_played.items():
                if p == 'Top': 
                        lanes_played[p] = top_played
                if p == 'Middle': 
                        lanes_played[p] = mid_played
                if p == 'Jungle': 
                        lanes_played[p] = Jungle_played
                if p == 'Support': 
                        lanes_played[p] = Support_played
                if p == 'ADC': 
                        lanes_played[p] = ADC_played

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