rust - 是否使用rust 格式!宏提供用户指定的填充字符

标签 rust macros format

使用 Rust,我可以在调用 format! 时获得用户指定的宽度,

format!("{:>width$}", result.clone(), width=v as usize )

我什至可以指定填充字符(如下面的 -)

format!("{:->width$}", result.clone(), width=v as usize )


format!("{:0>width$}", result.clone(), width=v as usize )


format!("{:fill$>width$}", result.clone(), fill='0' width=v as usize )


error: invalid format string: expected `'}'`, found `'>'`
   --> src/sequence/
124 |                 |v| Ok(format!("{:fill$>width$}", result.clone(), fill='0', width=v as usize ))
    |                                 -      ^ expected `}` in format string
    |                                 |
    |                                 because of this opening brace
    = note: if you intended to print `{`, you can escape it using `{{`

error: could not compile `letter-sequence` due to previous error
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
error: build failed


目前还不可能。通过查看grammar of format string无法将 fill 参数作为参数传递。

format := '{' [ argument ] [ ':' format_spec ] '}'
argument := integer | identifier

format_spec := [[fill]align][sign]['#']['0'][width]['.' precision]type
fill := character
align := ''
sign := '+' | '-'
width := count
precision := count | '*'
type := '' | '?' | 'x?' | 'X?' | identifier
count := parameter | integer
parameter := argument '$'

如您所见,fill 格式说明符直接映射到 character token ,其中 width 可以替换为 identifier $(width -> count -> parameter -> 参数 $ -> 标识符 $)

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