r - 在 R 中计算碳随时间的半衰期

标签 r nls self-starting

首先,我要说的是,我不确定这是否更属于 StackOverfloww 还是 CrossValidated。最后,我认为这更多的是编码/执行的问题,而不是基本的统计概念,所以我选择把它放在这里。如果它属于其他地方,请告诉我。

我正在尝试计算几种有机 Material 中碳的半衰期。我将这些 Material 孵化了几周,并测量了一段时间内排放的二氧化碳。然后,我将累积排放的二氧化碳毫升数转换为毫克 C,这使我能够计算每个采样间隔每个 sample 中剩余的 C。您会注意到,随着容易矿化的碳被消耗,碳会出现初始下降(不同 Material 的下降程度不同),之后碳的损失就会受到限制。

enter image description here

然后,我尝试使用 SSAsymp 函数(以 0 作为渐近线)计算每个样本的半衰期。我在下面包含了代码和一些示例数据:

dat<-structure(list(Item = c("litter", "woodlt10", "litter", "woodlt10", 
"chargt10", "woodlt10", "litter", "chargt10", "chargt10"), `0` = c(161.4599767, 
178.78608, 154.3154933, 179.5406033, 177.9216, 185.262, 150.8786667, 
195.4312667, 227.50085), `1` = c(161.0021445, 178.3139851, 153.6009328, 
179.2539234, 177.8203349, 185.262, 150.7417449, 195.358527, 227.3496655
), `2.5` = c(158.8259128, 177.5134301, 152.5134086, 178.6545425, 
177.7889754, 184.3638163, 149.216371, 195.358527, 227.3496655
), `4.5` = c(156.5077532, 175.921231, 151.4148628, 177.7793692, 
177.4767007, 183.2183622, 147.201998, 195.0909267, 227.0262222
), `6.5` = c(154.7131141, 174.9474735, 150.4432374, 177.1403608, 
177.2406706, 182.4578207, 146.234637, 194.8740861, 226.7688705
), `9.5` = c(153.2392748, 174.0175268, 149.3042064, 176.5575212, 
176.8846807, 181.7943539, 145.5862023, 194.6301544, 226.4292793
), `13` = c(152.0007445, 173.2103072, 148.4350239, 176.0309575, 
176.5002673, 181.1742383, 145.0268347, 194.4425645, 226.3546808
), `16.5` = c(150.9846197, 172.6132263, 147.6816509, 175.5924338, 
176.3494115, 180.7311843, 144.555467, 194.3811803, 226.2060901
), `21` = c(150.2721712, 172.192254, 147.2036125, 175.3900685, 
176.341071, 180.4498045, 144.2670636, 194.355281, 226.1714114
), `25.5` = c(149.6342556, 171.7482415, 146.6502626, 175.1314172, 
176.2993861, 180.0476477, 143.9400763, 194.2879702, 226.1714114
), `30.5` = c(149.0119875, 171.2716008, 146.1358666, 174.8327655, 
176.1848876, 179.7659473, 143.5427987, 194.2297192, 226.0823399
), `36.5` = c(148.5402568, 170.8086499, 145.6660173, 174.5592093, 
176.0286056, 179.5362906, 143.2190717, 194.1430492, 225.949889
), `43` = c(148.0427195, 170.2820678, 145.1835833, 174.1679759, 
175.8830912, 179.218831, 142.8504933, 194.0126381, 225.76894), 
`49.5` = c(147.7386827, 170.0050513, 144.8519388, 173.8786241, 
175.7664341, 178.9888063, 142.5957979, 193.9764544, 225.6975125
), `56.5` = c(147.4501476, 169.7254062, 144.5900736, 173.6467626, 
175.6701446, 178.805284, 142.3922732, 193.9764544, 225.6401166
), `64.5` = c(147.0743873, 169.3696494, 144.2525808, 173.2666537, 
175.5422531, 178.5399775, 142.1173998, 193.8920486, 225.5513622
), `73` = c(146.7558811, 169.0445058, 143.940297, 172.871404, 
175.4054422, 178.2874291, 141.7951601, 193.7639492, 225.3946395
), `81` = c(146.6028383, 168.9047583, 143.8443744, 172.6848769, 
175.4054422, 178.1929838, 141.664276, 193.7639492, 225.3946395
), `88.5` = c(146.3920556, 168.7163201, 143.7024872, 172.488525, 
175.3520018, 178.0604067, 141.4846825, 193.7430944, 225.3551643
), `99.5` = c(146.1854778, 168.5426061, 143.5068639, 172.3002049, 
175.2961331, 177.9321711, 141.290387, 193.7237412, 225.2926565
)), row.names = c(1L, 2L, 4L, 6L, 7L, 11L, 12L, 16L, 38L), class = "data.frame")

dat.a<-mutate_all(dat.a, function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x)))
storage <- list()
for(i in names(dat.a)){
    storage[[i]] <- log(2)/exp(coefficients(nls(dat.a[,i] ~ SSasymp(X10, 0.0001, R0, lrc),                 
}, error=function(e){cat("ERROR :",conditionMessage(e), "\n")})} 
samplelist<-data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = 10, ncol = 1))
halflives <- halflives[order(halflives$ord),]

aggregate(x = halflives$halflife,                 
          by = list(halflives$material),              
          FUN = mean)


ERROR : singular gradient matrix at initial parameter estimates




以天为单位的半衰期可以计算为 log2(y) 与天数的斜率倒数的负数。

dat2 <- t(dat[-1])
days <- as.numeric(rownames(dat2))
colnames(dat2) <- paste0("X", 1:ncol(dat2))
fm <- lm(log2(dat2) ~ days)
-1/coef(fm)[2, ] # half lives
##        X1        X2        X3        X4        X5        X6        X7        X8        X9 
##  816.2918 1306.5804 1063.3762 1854.8503 4882.6257 1914.4168 1275.1235 8489.2436 7799.1691 

为了存在恒定的半衰期,log2(y) 与天数的关系图应该是一条直线;然而,如下图所示,在问题中显示的数据范围内,情况似乎并非如此,因为早期和后期似乎有不同的半衰期。您可能希望将这些天分为两个或更多段,并分别计算每个段的半衰期。我们将天数范围分为两部分。我们将首先使用 10 天作为分界线,但我们将使用其结果来运行 nls 来拟合两条线——一条在截止日期之前,另一条在不假设任何特定截止日期之后。两条线的方程为 log2(y) = b1 + m1 * days 和 log2(y) = b2 + m2 * days。因为线条上方的区域是凸的,所以我们可以将这两者中的最大值作为在任何点使用的值。通过对 T0 求解方程 b1 + m1 * T0 = b2 + m2 * T0 即可获得截止点。

# starting values
fm1 <- lm(log2(dat2) ~ days, subset = days < 10)
co1 <- coef(fm1)
fm2 <- lm(log2(dat2) ~ days, subset = days >= 10)
co2 <- coef(fm2)

# calculate list of nls objects
fmList <- lapply(1:ncol(dat2), function(i) {
  st <- list(b1 = co1[1,i], m1 = co1[2,i], b2 = co2[1,i], m2 = co2[2,i])
  nls(log2(dat2)[, i] ~ pmax(b1 + m1 * days, b2 + m2 * days), start = st)

# plot
fits <- sapply(fmList, fitted)
matplot(days, log2(dat2), col = 1, cex = 0.5)
matplot(days, fits, type = "l", col = 1, lty = 1, add = TRUE)

# calculate statistics (half lives, etc.)
stats <- sapply(fmList, function(fm) {
  co <- as.list(coef(fm))
  with(co, c(co, half1 = -1/m1, half2 = -1/m2, T0 = (b1 - b2) / (m2 - m1)))


      [,1]          [,2]          [,3]          [,4]          [,5]         
b1    7.334025      7.48148       7.267299      7.487643      7.475502     
m1    -0.008487284  -0.004336574  -0.005028027  -0.002671511  -0.0009155759
b2    7.242063      7.435454      7.210472      7.461353      7.46409      
m2    -0.0005902792 -0.0004453948 -0.0005338854 -0.0003596622 -0.0001180285
half1 117.8233      230.5968      198.8852      374.3201      1092.209     
half2 1694.113      2245.199      1873.061      2780.387      8472.529     
T0    11.6452       11.8284       12.64488      11.37197      14.30921     
      [,6]          [,7]          [,8]          [,9]         
b1    7.534028      7.236452      7.610853      7.829888     
m1    -0.003162845  -0.006031012  -0.0006520529 -0.0007230756
b2    7.500386      7.180011      7.60358       7.82288      
m2    -0.0002895582 -0.0004227974 -6.616548e-05 -8.131695e-05
half1 316.1711      165.8096      1533.618      1382.981     
half2 3453.538      2365.199      15113.62      12297.56     
T0    11.70858      10.06396      12.41357      10.92091  



x <- c(0, 3, 6)
y <- c(8, 4, 2)

其半衰期显然为 3。那么

-1/coef(lm(log2(y) ~ x))[[2]]
## [1] 3



关于评论,假设双指数表示您的意思是由 pracma::mexpfit 拟合的模型


# fmList has one element per dat2 column with fit parameters, etc.
fmList <- lapply(1:ncol(dat2), function(i) {
  mexpfit(days, dat2[, i], -seq(2))

# plots
fits <- sapply(fmList, with,
  a0 + a[1] * exp(b[1] * days) + a[2] * exp(b[2] * days)
matplot(days, dat2, col = 1, cex = 0.5)
matplot(days, fits, type = "l", col = 1, lty = 1, add = TRUE)

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