c++ - CUDA并行扫描算法共享内存竞争条件

标签 c++ cuda gpu-shared-memory prefix-sum

我正在阅读《大规模并行处理器编程》(第 3 版)一书,该书介绍了 Kogge-Stone 并行扫描算法的实现。 该算法旨在由单个 block 运行(这只是初步简化),下面是实现。

// X is the input array, Y is the output array, InputSize is the size of the input array
__global__ void Kogge_Stone_scan_kernel(float* X, float* Y, int InputSize) {
    __shared__ float XY[SECTION_SIZE]; // SECTION_SIZE is basically blockDim.x
    int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (i < InputSize)
        XY[threadIdx.x] = X[i];

    for (unsigned int stride = 1; stride < blockDim.x; stride *= 2) {
        if (threadIdx.x >= stride)
            XY[threadIdx.x] += XY[threadIdx.x - stride]; // Race condition here?

    Y[i] = XY[threadIdx.x];

无论算法如何工作,我都对这条线感到有点困惑 XY[threadIdx.x] += XY[threadIdx.x - 步幅]。假设stride = 1,那么threadIdx.x = 6的线程将执行操作XY[6] += XY[5]。但是,同时 threadIdx.x = 5 的线程将执行 XY[5] += XY[4]。问题是:是否可以保证线程6将读取XY[5]的原始值而不是XY[5] + XY[4] ?请注意,这并不限于单个扭曲,其中锁步执行可能会阻止竞争条件。



is there any guarantee that the thread 6 will read the original value of XY[5] instead of XY[5] + XY[4]

不,CUDA 不保证线程执行顺序(锁步或其他),并且代码中也没有任何内容可以对此进行排序。

顺便说一下,cuda-memcheckcompute-sanitizer 非常擅长识别共享内存竞争条件:

$ cat t2.cu
const int SECTION_SIZE = 256;
__global__ void Kogge_Stone_scan_kernel(float* X, float* Y, int InputSize) {
    __shared__ float XY[SECTION_SIZE]; // SECTION_SIZE is basically blockDim.x

    int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (i < InputSize)
        XY[threadIdx.x] = X[i];

    for (unsigned int stride = 1; stride < blockDim.x; stride *= 2) {
        if (threadIdx.x >= stride)
            XY[threadIdx.x] += XY[threadIdx.x - stride]; // Race condition here?

    Y[i] = XY[threadIdx.x];

int main(){
  const int nblk = 1;
  const int sz = nblk*SECTION_SIZE;
  const int bsz = sz*sizeof(float);
  float *X, *Y;
  cudaMallocManaged(&X, bsz);
  cudaMallocManaged(&Y, bsz);
  Kogge_Stone_scan_kernel<<<nblk, SECTION_SIZE>>>(X, Y, sz);
$ nvcc -o t2 t2.cu -lineinfo
$ cuda-memcheck ./t2
========= ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors
$ cuda-memcheck --tool racecheck ./t2
========= ERROR: Race reported between Read access at 0x000001a0 in /home/user2/misc/junk/t2.cu:12:Kogge_Stone_scan_kernel(float*, float*, int)
=========     and Write access at 0x000001c0 in /home/user2/misc/junk/t2.cu:12:Kogge_Stone_scan_kernel(float*, float*, int) [6152 hazards]
========= RACECHECK SUMMARY: 1 hazard displayed (1 error, 0 warnings)


$ cat t2.cu
const int SECTION_SIZE = 256;
__global__ void Kogge_Stone_scan_kernel(float* X, float* Y, int InputSize) {
    __shared__ float XY[SECTION_SIZE]; // SECTION_SIZE is basically blockDim.x

    int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (i < InputSize)
        XY[threadIdx.x] = X[i];

    for (unsigned int stride = 1; stride < blockDim.x; stride *= 2) {
        float val;
        if (threadIdx.x >= stride)
            val = XY[threadIdx.x - stride];
        if (threadIdx.x >= stride)
            XY[threadIdx.x] += val;

    Y[i] = XY[threadIdx.x];

int main(){
  const int nblk = 1;
  const int sz = nblk*SECTION_SIZE;
  const int bsz = sz*sizeof(float);
  float *X, *Y;
  cudaMallocManaged(&X, bsz);
  cudaMallocManaged(&Y, bsz);
  Kogge_Stone_scan_kernel<<<nblk, SECTION_SIZE>>>(X, Y, sz);
$ nvcc -o t2 t2.cu -lineinfo
$ cuda-memcheck --tool racecheck ./t2
========= RACECHECK SUMMARY: 0 hazards displayed (0 errors, 0 warnings)

关于c++ - CUDA并行扫描算法共享内存竞争条件,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70355891/


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