c++ - 在 uint64_t 位掩码中高效加载/计算/打包 64 个双重比较结果

标签 c++ optimization simd avx avx2

我想尽可能高效地将 64 次双重比较的结果加载/比较/打包到 uint64_t 位掩码中。

我当前的方法是通过 AVX2 比较 2*2 对使用_mm256_cmp_pd 。两次 (=8) 比较的结果均使用 _mm256_movemask_pd 转换为位图。并通过a|b<<4作为字节分配到 union 中(1x uint64_t/8 uint8_t)以保存一些移位/或操作。


union ui64 {
    uint64_t i64;
    struct { uint8_t i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7; } i8;
static inline uint64_t cmp64 (double* in0, double* in1) {
    ui64 result;
    // +0
    result.i8.i0 =
            _mm256_load_pd(in0 + 0), 
            _mm256_load_pd(in1 + 0), 
            _CMP_LT_OQ)) |
                _mm256_load_pd(in0 + 4), 
                _mm256_load_pd(in1 + 4),
                _CMP_LT_OQ)) << 4;

    // +8
    // load, compare, pack n+8 each 'iteration' using result.i8.i1,...i7
    // ...

    return result.i64;

compress&set 的变体看起来很直接,但使用较慢的指令:1x _mm256_set_m128和 2x _mm256_cvtpd_ps与标量 <<|像这样


使用的CPU是Zen 1 (最大 AVX2 ),不确定 GPU 使用(Nvidia)是否是一个选项。



这是一个例子。它使用最有效的指令将比较结果打包到字节中,每 32 个数字一次改组为正确的顺序,并使用 _mm256_movemask_epi8 一次生成 32 位。

// Compare 4 numbers, return 32 bytes with results of 4 comparisons:
// 00000000 11111111 22222222 33333333
inline __m256d compare4( const double* a, const double* b )
    return _mm256_cmp_pd( _mm256_load_pd( a ), _mm256_load_pd( b ), _CMP_LT_OQ );

// Compare 8 numbers, combine 8 results into the following bytes:
// 0000 4444 1111 5555  2222 6666 3333 7777
inline __m256i compare8( const double* a, const double* b )
    __m256 c0 = _mm256_castpd_ps( compare4( a, b ) );
    __m256 c1 = _mm256_castpd_ps( compare4( a + 4, b + 4 ) );
    return _mm256_castps_si256( _mm256_blend_ps( c0, c1, 0b10101010 ) );

// Compare 16 numbers, combine 16 results into following bytes:
// 00 44 11 55  88 CC 99 DD  22 66 33 77  AA EE BB FF
inline __m256i compare16( const double* a, const double* b )
    __m256i c0 = compare8( a, b );
    __m256i c1 = compare8( a + 8, b + 8 );
    return _mm256_packs_epi32( c0, c1 );

inline uint32_t compare32( const double* a, const double* b )
    // Compare 32 numbers and merge them into a single vector
    __m256i c0 = compare16( a, b );
    __m256i c1 = compare16( a + 16, b + 16 );
    __m256i src = _mm256_packs_epi16( c0, c1 );

    // We got the 32 bytes, but the byte order is screwed up in that vector:
    // 0   4   1   5   8   12  9   13  16  20  17  21  24  28  25  29
    // 2   6   3   7   10  14  11  15  18  22  19  23  26  30  27  31
    // The following 2 instructions are fixing the order

    // Shuffle 8-byte pieces across the complete vector
    // That instruction is relatively expensive on most CPUs, but we only doing it once per 32 numbers
    src = _mm256_permute4x64_epi64( src, _MM_SHUFFLE( 3, 1, 2, 0 ) );

    // The order of bytes in the vector is still wrong:
    // 0    4   1   5   8  12   9  13    2   6   3   7  10  14  11  15
    // 13  16  20  17  21  24  28  25   18  22  19  23  26  30  27  31
    // Need one more shuffle instruction

    const __m128i perm16 = _mm_setr_epi8(
        0, 2, 8, 10,  1, 3, 9, 11,   4, 6, 12, 14,  5, 7, 13, 15 );
    // If you calling this in a loop and everything is inlined,
    // the shuffling vector should be pre-loaded outside of the loop.
    const __m256i perm = _mm256_broadcastsi128_si256( perm16 );

    // Shuffle the bytes
    src = _mm256_shuffle_epi8( src, perm );

    // The order of bytes is now correct, can use _mm256_movemask_epi8 to make 32 bits of the result
    return (uint32_t)_mm256_movemask_epi8( src );

uint64_t compareAndPack64( const double* a, const double* b )
    uint64_t low = compare32( a, b );
    uint64_t high = compare32( a + 32, b + 32 );
    return low | ( high << 32 );

关于c++ - 在 uint64_t 位掩码中高效加载/计算/打包 64 个双重比较结果,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70974476/


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