swift - 如何获取 NSRunningApplication 的参数?

标签 swift macos cocoa

如何获取 NSRunningApplication 启动期间使用的参数列表,类似于我运行 ps aux 时看到的参数列表:

let workspace = NSWorkspace.shared
let applications = workspace.runningApplications

for application in applications {
    // how do I get arguments that were used during application launch?


“ps”工具使用 sysctl()KERN_PROCARGS2 来获取正在运行的进程的参数。以下是尝试翻译 adv_cmds-153/ps/print.c 中的代码到 swift 。该文件还包含原始参数空间的内存布局的文档,并解释了如何在该内存中定位字符串参数。

func processArguments(pid: pid_t) -> [String]? {
    // Determine space for arguments:
    var name : [CInt] = [ CTL_KERN, KERN_PROCARGS2, pid ]
    var length: size_t = 0
    if sysctl(&name, CUnsignedInt(name.count), nil, &length, nil, 0) == -1 {
        return nil
    // Get raw arguments:
    var buffer = [CChar](repeating: 0, count: length)
    if sysctl(&name, CUnsignedInt(name.count), &buffer, &length, nil, 0) == -1 {
        return nil
    // There should be at least the space for the argument count:
    var argc : CInt = 0
    if length < MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: argc) {
        return nil
    var argv: [String] = []
    buffer.withUnsafeBufferPointer { bp in
        // Get argc:
        memcpy(&argc, bp.baseAddress, MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: argc))
        var pos = MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: argc)
        // Skip the saved exec_path.
        while pos < bp.count && bp[pos] != 0 {
            pos += 1
        if pos == bp.count {
        // Skip trailing '\0' characters.
        while pos < bp.count && bp[pos] == 0 {
            pos += 1
        if pos == bp.count {
        // Iterate through the '\0'-terminated strings.
        for _ in 0..<argc {
            let start = bp.baseAddress! + pos
            while pos < bp.count && bp[pos] != 0 {
                pos += 1
            if pos == bp.count {
            argv.append(String(cString: start))
            pos += 1
    return argv.count == argc ? argv : nil


对于 NSRunningApplication 的实例,您可以调用

processArguments(pid: application.processIdentifier)

关于swift - 如何获取 NSRunningApplication 的参数?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72443976/


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